blerggghhhh netent normally make games with the least potential to pay big 🙁 i hope this is more DoA then some of the other gash they have released lol
o nice well it is good to see. If it is working then thats a good thing at least 🙂
gratz @Djneeds always nice to get a win from oblivion lol my most recent 30 quid deposit got sucked dry by franky megaways lol swings and roundabouts i’m sure ill have a win again at some point 🙂
I have a serious question i have played a few FOBT’s and have lost won etc but i don’t go looking for then etc. My question is do you think these changes made to the stake will stop you or other people gambling on them like you used to meaning that the change worked ? hope that made sense lol
Lord Bandit of slotington manor pahahahhaha fuck i cant even say it without laughing cahahahahahah
Lol your not wrong and my butler name has been decided to be Hobnob 😀 pahahahahah
Hahahahahahaha or Hobson from the film Arthur.. can just imagine bandit now.. shouting you across the town pissed out of his head.. HOBNOB WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU
Wow.. laughing at my own thoughts here
Pahaha hobnob that’s hilarious ??????
It would be funny as fuck him shouting that on a night out. ????
lollololooll hes going to love this thread when he sees it pahahahahaha lord bandito the 1st of sipinington!
I just hope he doesn’t hate me for all the shit you’re gonna give him ??
i would promise to only lightly give him shite about it….. who am i kiding im going to rib him forever might even change my name to Jeevs just to pretend im his butler when we are out in town xD
lollololooll hes going to love this thread when he sees it pahahahahaha lord bandito the 1st of sipinington!
You’re not just a mod you’re the sheriff of this town/forum. *tips hat*
To the saloon ..
Barkeep buy this man a Rum!!!!!
I so want this to happen lol trying to get the big mans attention lol xD o god the amount a shit i could give him… lolololololol
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