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- Town Status : Sheriff
- Wanted Reward: $1247
- Topics Started : 85
- Replies Created : 1946
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There seem to be more people having issues where the posts are going through to the pending in the back end. Can you all please be sure to log in before posting and if your post count score is high enough it will be put on the forum. @Geezawin can you clear your browser cache/cookies etc reload the site login and try again mate. 🙂
1Good luck has mate and well done ??
And I bend bandits arm so far to make him have a punt on the horses honest… ??? pahaha
1Nice to have you back JB
Only mentioned that I missed you the other day
Would you miss me if i went awol ? ??
Of course I would mate 🙂
Nice to have you back JB 🙂 Only mentioned that I missed you the other day 🙂
is it bad i come on this forum a couple of times a week to read posts like this, and remember why i need to be sensible? hate seeing a lose id rather see wins but it keeps things real for me
No not at all. People post losses one because they want a rant and two so people like yourself read these types of thread to warn people of the dangers. Your right no one enjoys hearing about people’s losses but if there is some good to come out of a thread like this then this is it.
Spot on @Haz ?? I also am sorry to hear hacko lost but I have no doubt I will prob be congratulating him when he wins next time. The life of a gambler is like a set of mountains theres just sometimes a lot more downhill before hitting the peaks ??
11I think the main problem is you are not clear in what issues you are trying to raise. In many of your last posts they have just been structured in a way that is clearly the wrong way to go about raisin awareness for different causes this is why your receiving a lot of negative comments.
If I’m also completely honest you don’t accept your wrong either mate I asked you to tell me how I was wrong in this thread and you still haven’t told me why? Because I was right, it’s no big problem but what you said in your post brought the sites data protection policies into question which is not acceptable.
As for getting mods me and bandit do believe it is currently ok and we let people know regularly that they shouldn’t overstep the mark and yes some of the trolling comments are aimed at you but you did your fare share of shit throwing aswell so where does it stop well I don’t know.
Maybe in future say you want to raise awareness for something just title the thread the say gambling awareness week. Then a simple line saying remember to be responsible etc etc and help those in need.
These are just my thoughts are are just balanced on the things I see going on every day in this forum.
2It would have been harder to flag up he had self excluded because he used someone else’s card. A simple filling in of a name and address wont flag but if you put your own card in it would. But its interesting that they played out the woman. ?
I’ve got the home address via email for a mug, the mug itself is still sat on my desk at work (I’ve not actually been there for nearly 3 weeks)
If it’s still wanted then I’ll send it, if not I won’t, I’ll just delete the email, job done.
I dont understand why it’s all exploded like this?
Hi mate I’ve no idea what’s going on but I take it Mr B sent you his home address via a email to you?
I don’t understand what was incorrect your home address isn’t required to sign up ? And as I’m aware your email was only sent to Bob who did a mug for you. If you can actually elaborate and tell me how I’m incorrect would be nice.
Any particular reason the temporary edit feature is gone ? noticed a typo, couldn’t fix it.
Also, I gave up on the mugs and people who wanted my email address. Please do not give it out again. If anyone asks, tell them no. One person on here has my fucking house address and I am not amused.
Errr Mr.B I believe only one person has been aloud to have your email address and this was both yours and the other parties consent as for your address that info is not taken and or not used to sign up for the site therefore it has nothing to do with backinamo why someone has your home address.
11*Gets all Emotional*
I love you all….. sometimes pahahahahahhaha j/k you are all a good bunch really 🙂
Hope you get the result you are after @Thisgirl2019