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  • Wanted Reward: $1247
  • Topics Started : 85
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  • in reply to: some nob head trying to hack my accounts #58598
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    My advice is to if available use 2-factor authentification 🙂 will secure your stuff right up.

    in reply to: An apology for bio but #58384
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Hopefully we can all get along even if you have a different opinions. ??

    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #58019
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Holy hell I wake up and this has turned into another playground fiasco….

    Ok headmaster is here please stop the and I will caps it PATHETIC abuse/name calling your debates are always welcome but why does it always need to result in people calling each other names..

    I’m sure you all wait until I’m asleep to leave me these nice presents in the morning ????

    Someone asked about the Leo Vegas this I will check with ste today to see if he has an update.

    *update he has tweeted about it*

    To end the debate in here bandit is trying to label the videos so that if you don’t like high stakes you can see before it is even played so don’t watch then complain about it. He is aware that people like lower stakes and people like higher stakes and then there are lots of people who like both.

    People dropping into the forum to say I’m leaving from now on I will just delete or not even allow the post through as it just start a war. It’s not that we don’t care that people want to leave for whatever reason but like I said I’m now on clean up duty due to the argument it caused.

    To those leaving both the bandit and myself wish you luck in your future endeavours.

    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #57928
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Hacko1 wrote:

    Bahhh bah bah bah bah baa baaa baahhh baa baaaaahhhhh bah bbbaaaaah

    Translation, I love a good 2 hour high stakes video it makes my fleece curly??????????????????????

    Strange, the way I translated it, it came out as

    My names Hacko, I like hunting sheep across the hills of wales wearing a large pair of wellies and carrying suitable protection ?

    Pahahahahahaha ???????

    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #57922
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Brex wrote:

    Maybe all the sheep on here won’t say it but it’s true the guy has issues with his gambling and it’s gunna ruin him one day I just hope he stops or controls it soon before he loses the lot.

    I’m certainly not a sheep and I am with you that I don’t enjoy those high stakes videos and skip through them. He does appear to have lost the appetite for the lower stakes, I don’t sense the same excitement or keeness in his voice anymore on lower stakes, although I may just be reading him wrong.  However he is entertaining a wide community many who enjoy the high stakes, and  I do believe that he has a grip on what he is doing and is rational.

    High stakes is all relevant to income, he has the income and so it is all a matter of perspective.   I don’t think there is anyway on hell or earth that Bandit would put his family and his life at risk, he is far too sensible for that.  It’s basically a business for him and a successful one at that.

    Long may it continue for him – I don’t like a lot of streamers, but this one seems to have a good heart!


    A very much more balanced post this one and like I said bandit definitely knows high stakes aint everyone’s cup of tea lol but still in his last 10 vids the split is still around 60/40 to more lower stake vids as all he wants is to give you all what you enjoy to watch and it’s just not possible to please everyone ?

    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #57920
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Brex wrote:

    I always liked the bandit and always thought he spoke sense tbh and I do feel he is a nice person but lately he has lost something that made him great and diff to all other yt/slot streamers. He lost the enjoyment of playing slots for fun and not to earn £1000s he isn’t happy with £2 stake anymore thats for sure. The greed has overtaken him and it felt like it was coming tbh and so is that mega loss and I get he knows this and in his words “he bought a house” etc but he is really getting crazy and that’s fair play. Just it’s not the same and I’m not the only one thinking this I know that. Maybe all the sheep on here won’t say it but it’s true the guy has issues with his gambling and it’s gunna ruin him one day I just hope he stops or controls it soon before he loses the lot. Two or three  videos ago he said he prob turn it into 30k special as he was betting mega as the usual case nowadays (as the £1000 bonus hits etc are not enough it’s plain to see) then the last vid went from normal stakes to high stake so he says that’s also the 30k special and it seems like that’s his excuse in his mind that it’s okfor him to gamble like that and show u all without making out that’s the norm when tbh u can tell that is now and it’s scary to see. I would of kept it vehind closed doors if I was gambling that big and to make it worse and it is worse he wins £20.000 plus and shows it to all I lot that clearly have a problem gambling. Yes he only shows the outcome and he can’t change that but I just wouldn’t show it to make all u lot chase and think u can do the same. No matter what he says (don’t copy me) he knows and we know most of u will… anyway it’s just a shame it’s come to this and it will catch up with u soon I feel Steve (hopefully not ofc)

    I take it this post is just your assumption?

    It’s wrong in many ways and I think the most glaringly obvious one is when a big loss arrives…. Now I take it your new you did not read the reel king threads of a journey of playing it for a solid month day in day out but if you did you would know that he did have some huge wins but some big losses. You know what he did he started again on ÂŁ1.60 to hit the top and rebuild his pot.

    I understand that big stakes don’t do it for everyone that’s fine but just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that thousands of others didn’t. Put it this way his recent high rolling vids have had more likes on YouTube than videos before.

    And to say the part about it was worse that he won 20k and shouldn’t of uploaded it because people would try it themselfs is crazy do you switch off a footy match on sky because the halftime advert shows the progressive jackpot on a casino or the advert of people winning the postcode lottery and opening checks for 30k to 150k I’m going out on a assumption myself here but I’m guessing you or anyone else wouldn’t turn it off because off that nor would you impulsive remortgage your house to go for the progressive from said casino.

    So in short I’m not a sheep I’m his mate I see him every day i see the amount he gives to help people in the background and locally to him so before anyone makes any assumptions about an individual maybe you should really know the guy or girl your talking about. ??

    Hope my post clears up a lot of what Is pretty much a bad character judgment in this quoted post. ??

    in reply to: MY true thoughts for the day! #57860
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    When are we starting to guess the sex of little xbob 🙂

    Congratz again to you and your wife mate 🙂

    in reply to: help and advice please #57838
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    You will not get anything back as you have actively tried to get around your own enforced gamstop to be able to deposit at a casino. Please remember that all the things in place are just like Nicorette patches they are there to help but you need to want them to work for it to be effective 🙂


    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #57787
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I’m on mixer mate ?? my handle is Gaming_Cave

    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #57782
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Malkychamp wrote:

    @seedy What games is it that you stream?

    Variety mate currently playing Black dessert Online with @Quazzi

    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #57716
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Haz40 wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    CareEste wrote:

    Been watching The Bandit since he was doing 60 pi’s on Bruce Lee . Back then he was the nicest youtuber u’ve ever seen . Not a single bad word , absolutely no swearing at all . A down to earth commentary , shy , gratefull , in line with most of us ..

    Well , things changed and here i am posting on his website , eager to leave my opinion about the unreal transformation of what we used to call one of us … Even if the last two insane high stakes videos were the best youtube uploads ever to run on youtube (emotion wise/don’t like reel king) it somehow sparked a raw between reality and insanity . Haters were basicly handed forks and knifes and invited to a free feast on a Bantit’s roast . Were they right ? I honestly don’t know what to answer , they certanly have a point , but then again it’s not our business , but the n again we ”helped” him throu’ sign ups (including me) , then again no one pushed us ..

    My opinion ? Atm The Bandit doesn’t relate to 99.9% of gamblers , and considering that again 99% of us , gamblers , are losing players , the stakes we see on his videos are more of a SF to us then reality . Bandit transformation can only be achived throu’ affiliate earnings rather than pure gambling , we can all agree !

    I don’t think i will ever sign up to any of his advertised casinos simply because i feel he doesn’t need it anymore . I will continue to watch his videos , and will continue to apreciate his content from now on , not with a sign up , but with just two simple words : Good Luck !


    PS : Just like Winston Churchill once said : ”The price of greatness is responsability”

    Ok the no swearing etc was he didn’t want vids taking down as they was there for people to watch what was the point if they was going to be took down.

    In regards to he can gamble like he does through earning is bullshit did you ever think that what he has done and still doing on real king pays for a lot of what goes into videos etc.

    He used to be one of us…. he still is and gives away massive amounts back to say thanks to the people who follow and support him on his gambling exploits…

    You don’t intend to support anymore by joining any of his links well fine that’s your choice and that’s all fine.

    Bandit is or at least was the very first open door to affiliates as he gave information no other stream/YouTube ever would so if you don’t see him as one of the people (laughably) that’s your choice but it must be noted that yeah 60p on video on Bruce Lee he was doing much bigger offline you gamble responsibly and within your own means and he always has and always will.

    So even when I’m sat next to him having my monthly 50 quid doing 20p or 40p spins he still gets right behind it when I hit a bonus as he is just a gambler same as you or me.. so I don’t really get the point of your post really. ???

    Why can’t we have a seedy video then. Come on, it would be hilarious. Are you up for it ???

    I stream  computer games mate do love playing a lot ???? as for streaming slots when I lose and turn into a right salty twat it wouldn’t be entertaining at all ????

    On a decent run atm couple of footy bets got a horse in and won 50 quid online slotting this month left me up a good amount for a change might treat myself to a huge burger again. ???

    in reply to: Business Venture… Can you help – (Update) #57706
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    EvenKlownsCanWin wrote:

    Is it possible you could do a bonus hunt on your next Vid?

    Essentially his videos are bonus hunts mate… ?

    Seedy! Wrong place for this post and you know it ? 30 minutes in the cage for you.

    Business venture note – 13K in the pot already based on the soccer million twitter, that’s awesome ?? when the money is all in place and that draw is made it’s going to provide funding for a small team for years… Wouldn’t it be amazing if that team propelled to dizzy heights all down to the massive financial help that we all in a small way helped to provide ?

    It would be very cool mate and that would hopefully be the idea. ??

    in reply to: Bandit Gambling my salary #57703
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    CareEste wrote:

    Been watching The Bandit since he was doing 60 pi’s on Bruce Lee . Back then he was the nicest youtuber u’ve ever seen . Not a single bad word , absolutely no swearing at all . A down to earth commentary , shy , gratefull , in line with most of us ..

    Well , things changed and here i am posting on his website , eager to leave my opinion about the unreal transformation of what we used to call one of us … Even if the last two insane high stakes videos were the best youtube uploads ever to run on youtube (emotion wise/don’t like reel king) it somehow sparked a raw between reality and insanity . Haters were basicly handed forks and knifes and invited to a free feast on a Bantit’s roast . Were they right ? I honestly don’t know what to answer , they certanly have a point , but then again it’s not our business , but the n again we ”helped” him throu’ sign ups (including me) , then again no one pushed us ..

    My opinion ? Atm The Bandit doesn’t relate to 99.9% of gamblers , and considering that again 99% of us , gamblers , are losing players , the stakes we see on his videos are more of a SF to us then reality . Bandit transformation can only be achived throu’ affiliate earnings rather than pure gambling , we can all agree !

    I don’t think i will ever sign up to any of his advertised casinos simply because i feel he doesn’t need it anymore . I will continue to watch his videos , and will continue to apreciate his content from now on , not with a sign up , but with just two simple words : Good Luck !


    PS : Just like Winston Churchill once said : ”The price of greatness is responsability”

    Ok the no swearing etc was he didn’t want vids taking down as they was there for people to watch what was the point if they was going to be took down.

    In regards to he can gamble like he does through earning is bullshit did you ever think that what he has done and still doing on real king pays for a lot of what goes into videos etc.

    He used to be one of us…. he still is and gives away massive amounts back to say thanks to the people who follow and support him on his gambling exploits…

    You don’t intend to support anymore by joining any of his links well fine that’s your choice and that’s all fine.

    Bandit is or at least was the very first open door to affiliates as he gave information no other stream/YouTube ever would so if you don’t see him as one of the people (laughably) that’s your choice but it must be noted that yeah 60p on video on Bruce Lee he was doing much bigger offline you gamble responsibly and within your own means and he always has and always will.

    So even when I’m sat next to him having my monthly 50 quid doing 20p or 40p spins he still gets right behind it when I hit a bonus as he is just a gambler same as you or me.. so I don’t really get the point of your post really. ???

    in reply to: Business Venture… Can you help – (Update) #57699
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    EvenKlownsCanWin wrote:

    Is it possible you could do a bonus hunt on your next Vid?

    Essentially his videos are bonus hunts mate… ?

    in reply to: Mental health #57697
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I will say AGAIN!! Keep it friendly people..

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