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  • in reply to: Mental health #57688
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Keep it friendly guys please as for mentioning it in a future video I can enquire about. I can’t say I know anything about mental health issues myself so have no option on the matter.

    in reply to: Business Venture… Can you help – (Update) #57685
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    The Bandit wrote:

    Jealousy is a terrible trait.

    Wow he was a proper helmet have your opinion but square up cock wobble that guy. ??? also never seen a parasite give away a million pound. ??

    in reply to: Vegas tomorrow! #57656
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Good luck in Vegas mate Bandit says the slots are shite, tables are where it is at 🙂

    in reply to: Are bonus buys predetermined? #57654
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Ok, guys I’m stepping in these same threads do my tits in lol ok so here we go I will explain and tell you exactly how you are both right and both wrong on either side of the argument.

    1. Do slots have predetermined results – YES!

    2. Are these Predetermined results random – YES!

    3 How can something predetermined be random – SIMPLE! each time you press the spin button a hand reaches into the cloud and RANDOMLY picks your result IE. win or bonus trigger. So at the point where it randomly pulls the result, it then becomes predetermined and displays on your screen.

    4. Is this the same for a bonus? YES! on landing a feature the hand grabs a ballon with the total outcome for the feature say 100x this is random… but the bonus plays out the spins this is predetermined by the random result previously selected.

    So end of argument! this is what it is your both wrong your both right!

    Now can we move on boy/girls my brain actually hurts now…. 🙂

    in reply to: Big Win Gold Of Persia #56545
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Epic win mate enjoy the holiday ??

    in reply to: Whats Ya Pornstar Name? #56238
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Thisgirl2019 wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    Thisgirl2019 wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    hmmm pet and street – Digger Lord

    pet and maiden name – Digger Bramwell

    but ill just take Seedy

    starring in such titles as whats under my overcoat and That’s not a banana in my pocket


    Hahaha share the link ??

    Seedy I’ve emailed you, could you keep an eye out please x

    Just out at the moment but I will try hard to find it onve I’m back in front of a computer lol for some reason I’m am struggling to get your emails lol ?????

    I know ??

    I bet you just don’t want to talk to me ??

    Hahaha not true ???? I still can figure out why it is just yours lol still out btw ??

    in reply to: Whats Ya Pornstar Name? #56234
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Thisgirl2019 wrote:

    Seedy wrote:

    hmmm pet and street – Digger Lord

    pet and maiden name – Digger Bramwell

    but ill just take Seedy

    starring in such titles as whats under my overcoat and That’s not a banana in my pocket


    Hahaha share the link ??

    Seedy I’ve emailed you, could you keep an eye out please x

    Just out at the moment but I will try hard to find it onve I’m back in front of a computer lol for some reason I’m am struggling to get your emails lol ?????

    in reply to: Whats Ya Pornstar Name? #56208
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    hmmm pet and street – Digger Lord

    pet and maiden name – Digger Bramwell

    but ill just take Seedy

    starring in such titles as whats under my overcoat and That’s not a banana in my pocket


    in reply to: Minor annoyance #55960
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Where to start on your opinion here I will do my best as I see all this first hand –

    This whole attitude on Reel King of “it WILL come in” and throwing literal grands at it isn’t something that’s always been a part of the videos, and it’s def not something I enjoy as it takes part of the thrill away. Whenever recent videos have gone tits up, or close to glory, there’s never any hesitation to collect, the mad man is just ALWAYS pressing it, and so often, winning.

    Yes he wins on it but he has also lost on it as well and if you had read his reel king threads in the past you would have known this and the always pressing is not true in the past he has collected for a profit position.

    Now, I’m not saying that a single YT’er uploading winning videos is turning the nation to slots, but whenever I get done watching videos where, despite being down 700k in a video, he somehow manages to get back on top, I definitely deposit money online to have a crack at it (with varying results).

    700k down I hope that’s a typo he has never been that deep in even on the high stakes videos recently it has never been that close. You depositing is your own gambling inclination and is done to the fact that you do gamble anyway there are plenty of people that say they watch and don’t gamble just enjoy The Bandit’s entertainment.

    Hell, I might be the only one that enjoys the videos less when it’s all out degeneracy, but I would like to see a bit more sensible gambling and you bagging the massive profits you’ve made recently. Would be cool to see you deposit 1k (or less ;)) and not expect to have to redeposit 17 times and ending up on 40 quid stake on Reel king.

    you may consider it degen but for someone who says watching a gambling video spurs you to deposit I would seriously take a long think about what you’re actually saying and doing yourself. you would like to see 1k deposits….. 2 of the last 10 videos have been high stakes that’s not a lot considering that the reaction to the high stakes ones was just as positive as the normal 1k videos.

    In conclusion, it’s simple if you don’t like high stakes don’t watch no one holds a gun to your head saying watch the damn video. Hope this is insightful for you. 🙂






    in reply to: Reveal the above posters dirtiest secret! #55936
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    jesus JB is taking a bashing lol want me to help you out JB mate… 🙂

    in reply to: Big wins submission #55739
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Had a boobies picture but it was actually named the tits i don’t see the image until i open it all thinking someone ment like a mega win but nope it was boobies so the title was actually correct ??? and plenty of people sending in wrong pictures like the shopping list or a selfie ????

    in reply to: Big wins submission #55681
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Was away from Thursday and I don’t review the until Monday as long as its ove 100x and the picture is the right way up or is editable then it will appear as soon as I start going through them mate. ??

    in reply to: My latest painting #55552
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Looking forward to seeing this progress ??

    in reply to: Give away #55520
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I am here….. oooooooohhhhh my brain deletion in T Minus maybe a hour just getting in the car to drive lol ???

    in reply to: So i am launching a business venture – Can you help? #55241
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Hi all

    People waiting on emails bare with use lol a lot have come in and hes working through them after a long day lol we decided to go out get shit faced in z random city in the Midlands ??????

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