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Realistically £2 isn’t a low stake though. A low stake is 10p-20p-40p that kind of range. A video of new games would be good, but people will always like Donuts.
I don’t understand this obsession with donuts. As a non-gambling observer I think it’s boring and never damn well pays from what I’ve seen. Shite graphics, terrible concept, poorly executed and about as inspiring as a dead frog.
Have to disagree here. The maths behind this game is very clever. The concept is quite good. Sure it can be a bitch to pay but it goes over 5,000x
Yeah donuts is ace and it has the ability to ( don’t think any body seen it ) on the multiplier builder before the spins … there is a chance …. a fucking small chance ( so small you need a nats spectacles to see it chance ) that each of the boxes could drop 50x ….. that’s the potential to start the game with each win times by 800x ………….. donuts is the nuts man …..
10th November 2019 at 6:53 pm in reply to: Slotspinners bird won 93 grand on a £3.60 bet on DoA2 #83051dunno the total investment but im sure she said it was hundreds of bonuses and 3 years of grinding it.
She said 340 ish bonus on stream and 200 off stream and it’s a fucker to bonus … I’m sure it’s a tidy profit but at those stakes a fair wedge must be going back on the “ credit card “
10th November 2019 at 6:40 pm in reply to: Slotspinners bird won 93 grand on a £3.60 bet on DoA2 #83050well that’s just fucking insane.
I’d be paranoid for days that it was just a weird game malfunction and that money was never gonna be seen in my account!
Yeah I said to the lad ( we all had a chat cause we weren’t sure if it was fake because of the amount and the round numbers he had .but totally legit ) but I said to him I’d be withdrawing a grand a week just to keep under the radar of the over lords videoslots
Can we have cool shit any way if we say nice honest things about you …. you picturesquely Hunky Greek mythological representation of Adonis ……. just saying
9th November 2019 at 2:45 pm in reply to: Slotspinners bird won 93 grand on a £3.60 bet on DoA2 #83002End of the day if the high rollers are capped the banter will win out and hands down … with out sucking plums bandit got it covered
Haz totally on the money …£2 quid is bandit kind of go to stake …. so I doubt it will affect him … might see people include a foreign player in their you tube subs for those high stakes …. like I said before tho I’m here for the banter , so personally it would change my viewing , I doubt it would change bandits play….buuut saying that I get the impression he likes a blow out now and again so I think he’d be more annoyed personally not playing reel on 40 in his own time compared to Sunday slots having to stick to £2
fucking hell imagine with him not spend 40 quid a spin He might go multi screen ….. 20 screens of two pounds spins … ha ha
11I don’t think Bandit gives a fuck lol there site is just like other sites while yes they have clearly taken inspiration in the prize giveaways section design wise it’s no big issue.
“ I don’t think bandit gives a fuck “ that’s the technical term for it …?
It difficult to please everyone it’s really always been a four way split people want stakes they play at so
– 40p – 80p
– £2 – £4
– High Stake for thrills big wins/losses
– Trolls
Which ever way he does decide to do a video some people will be disappointed so like always and people should take no offense to this he will play how the fuck he feels like lol. As always he only will play when he wants to play
The huge majority I think understand this but there are some people that think differently I suppose this is what makes the world interesting. Hope you are all going to have a great bonfire night
Yeah agree some proper tools following him …. last few vids he’s always apologised or tried to justify things and honestly I get frustrated for him, … when bandit plays we’re in his house, his rules, wanna watch ? Get a cuppa sit the fuck down … you don’t ? Then rosh is over there buy fedoras …. some might call It brown nosing , but wanted him to know that there are some people who appreciate what he does not what he spends
hey, you found my own posts!
There are seriously good advice about games on this site, from guys like you mate , you spent a few messages explaining swarm to me, because I couldn’t get my head around the mechanics of how the game was representing the rtp …. then you dropped this jewel and it all made sense…. and you try and remember because somebody else will come along and ask the same question ….either that or I’m a Massive stalker who’s following you on this site ????? Who knows ……………..
It was a nice change to see smaller stakes. I think it will do bandit good to restart his gambling this way. If you find it boring, you dont have to watch
If you didnt know, the video is available on here on the videos section
I think it’s one of his Great attraction that he does change his stakes, why not go low as well as high…good on him, I thought the video was just as good as any other because he himself was on form
I suppose you can copy all you want, the bandits has a unique style and persona which is why he has a following and you can’t really fake “you “ or your personality and if you try, it becomes awkward and un natural sounding, I don’t watch a lot of Jimbo, but I don’t think he’s anywhere near the bandits level, and I he probably knows that, he hasn’t got that unique “ thing “ that stands him out ( for example compare bandit to rock) I doubt Steve is that bothered by it, he might find it a respectful thing..(but I’m sure having people lifting your ideas to better their own goals with out the work/ dev/ cash must be an arse, ) but backinamo works and when things work they get bootlegged and you probably need to let these fights go because you are the bench mark for others and your going to get copied a lot … so I’d expect to see quite a few streamers pop up with a familiar feel we recognise……..
Alright bro …. been gambling for years and years …. been really lucky that it’s always been like a Saturday night for me ..a quick binge here and there, play on the train to work and stuff .. never crossed that line into it being a problem…. and honestly hearing the stories in here you keep in mind what could realistically happen …. so cheers to all of you, your stories are healthy reminders that the cliff is only one wrong step away ….
the game can only pay about 1,400x. I dont see why people still chase it like this. It is a HUGE net loss game unless the chase the stakes right. I cant stop saying this to people who fill it at 20p then raise to 2quid and stay there. Youre always going to lose, and lose big over time.
You said it beautifully with this
“ I was speaking to Push Gaming last week and was given their game info for the last 6 months.
Wild swarm makes over 45% of their entire revenue. This is all their games combined and any other interests they have (tables etc). 45%. Thats unheard of for a single slot really.
Advice – If you are chasing the swarm on lower stakes this does work out to be, in the long run, a net loss. The base game RTP drops when the hive is full, so your wins will be weighted to be lower while the RTP is drawn into the bee collection.
You can build the hive on an stake and the game will pay at 96.x% RTP. So play it at 20p, play it at normal, whatever you prefer. But when its full you have to remember that if you raise the bet to £1, £2, £4 or higher the base will not pay well, but when the hive lands it will account for that drop in RTP.
So only chase this if you are fully aware this game can take thousands from you, same as any high variance slot, but know that unless you increase the stakes at the right time, you will be playing at negative EV.”
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