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I don’t think you can really….. gambling is like smoking or losing weight, there will be one or two nice stories but over all the battle is to steep….
one of the things I ask people is, when in exclusion what have you done to try and deal with the issues that need you to exclude your self to a gamstop level, or to get family members involved? And not just bank stuff, in your head stuff…
most people tend to just wait the clock out, but not really get to grips with it, Believing time will sort their issues out and then bang, one year later , cured ….when in fact that addictive side just sits behind them quietly, and one bad day it pounces and the whole wheel restarts….
On this forum you’ll hear a lot of ex gamblers and gamblers give advice and help people through these issues, and talking is always good, this is meant to be a community and you need to feel like you can talk in here, for every one person expressing a feeling, 10 have gone through it ….but the one thing you hear over and over again is “ extend you exclusion “ And in your comment you obviously know that the vibe is you can’t control your self….but you do need to get hold of this because your mother isn’t always going to be around or able to deal with it ( sorry, sounds dark , but you have kids and that reality is important thing to focus on )
But there are thing you can look into, Doctors can issues a few session with therapist for free, getting an account that doesn’t have a card, getting a card delivered to a family member and have them scratching the three digits on the back off, your bank has the ability to block spending on gambling sites…. it’s never a lost cause….there are many people on here who have done well….so can people be “cured “ on a whole I don’t think they can, but there are some …and perhaps trying to cut that part of your life out is easier than trying to balance with it ….
but take the positives that you’ve got to this point and your dealing with it ….. taht is a big step on its own
£10 bet on a £500 bank roll to build kingmaker ?????????????? 50 spins .????????????? What was the plan? were you just looking for the bonus ? So many questions ……
This is great as a warning but I think it might be an idea to delete this thread only because of the active members who do and have struggled with gambling issues , who might not of know and would be tempted to use this type of “money” to gamble ….nothing against the thread, just thinking about community as a whole, one persons warning is somebody else’s invite
11Although it’s not a block , videoslots are really quick at approving withdrawals so it moves out of the reversible box really quickly …….none of that 3 day pending shit ..
1You tell em winningbird … I play rugby and I’m built like a Greek god carved from marble by da Vinci him self on his creative days *. ………
whilst footy fans are carved from Stella and pies,…….that’s right I went there …..
* possible slight exaggeration
Ah but all fun and bullshit aside, love to see a new world cup bandit competition… the white rabbit one was really good….
Na they don’t …. it’s just your time to have a bad one …..comes to us all mate ….but taking a break is good …. don’t chase a losing run …
1Her first day in reception…
Ok so.. Mia walked in, all shy and innocent. She sat down and started to draw and her friends from nursery came in. She looked at me and she went ok I want you to go now. I didn’t shed a tear knowing she was happy to stay there. I got a bit paranoid walking out of the gates incase she managed to escape out of the school, but I took my self to morrisons to distract my mind. Picked her up, gave her the biggest hug and it sounds as though she really enjoyed it. I bought her 2 toys as a well done present haha
Good to hear Kai did good seedy!
Good to hear your little one has got you wrapped round their fingers seyakram haha
Ah cracking news, she’ll be running the place by Friday …… must remember the numbing effect of Morrisons next Time
Pah mine walked in …. did everything seedy said …. and as I turned round ….quicker than bolt on a 20 can red bull high charged to to the door and said “ if I’m good, can I have ice cream “ cheeky git ………… can’t say no can I…infront if all these mums/ dad and teachers….. I’d be on a “list” by midday …
Pahahahahaha you got done over there mate
Ha I do feel “ twisted round the fingery “
Pah mine walked in …. did everything seedy said …. and as I turned round ….quicker than bolt on a 20 can red bull high charged to to the door and said “ if I’m good, can I have ice cream “ cheeky git ………… can’t say no can I…infront if all these mums/ dad and teachers….. I’d be on a “list” by midday …
Yeah, two welsh boys in the house …….( as long as he’s not from the south …… joking….. not joking ……………..joking ) ?
Ah his mum sat across the room with that weird look of worry and angst on her face …… or she need the toilet ……. shit at reading faces …
sweets are good , just leave psycho mum at home ……. not a good look on day one ….good luck anyway … we all expect an emotional rant thread tomorrow ….?
1Ah shit that ain’t nice ….tonsils are evil …. mine been going to nursery since year one , but only twice a week and now we realised he’s going to be going 5 days, and he’s going to realise he’s not getting as much home time as he was …… and with breakfast club in a different place and after school and all that good stuff …. you feel sorry for the little git …. and less time with his mum which is tough ….. but at least with your little one and tonsils there’s a chance to spoil for a few extra days with ice cream ……you’ll be grand …
Yeah good luck … my eldest went to reception for the first time Friday …. and although the mum was water-falling out the eyes , when I let his hand go, there was definitely somebody chopping onions around me …….. damn onion chopper ….
God help the casino that someone gets max win on 9 quid hahaha
Yeah imagine winning, I’d be so scared of getting screwed I’d be withdrawing 1000 a go just to go under the radar ……….
Rugby is massively superior to football. So much more skill involved, and once you understand everything it’s so much more fun to watch as a spectator sport.
I think the problem is that you need a slightly higher than average IQ to understand all of the intricacies of the game hence why football is more popular
In my area the only people who care about rugby is the slightly overweight or were shit at football
It’s not “slightly over weight” …. the term is big build or athletic ?