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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $23
- Topics Started : 7
- Replies Created : 61
Forum Replies Created
Lol i’m starving but cba going downstairs
Oooh time to make a toast
I woke up on the settee, like a bloody owl now wide awake. Ffs
Atleast its the holidays ?
Haha yea tried both your way, and mixing sides, but hey , lifes a gamble ? and Always buy 100x one
Grade A entertainer, who needs stand up comedy shows when u have mr .Bandit doing it on weekly basis 😀
I was amazed at the amount raised until I realised that £2k of it came from RocknRolla. Bottom line, £463 from a website with 10,000 plus subscribers getting free entertainment doesn’t seem a lot, works out at about 4p each
Considering it is X-mas and new years and such people may have shortage of money, i know i do cause 2 kids solo isnt cheap 😛
However i love to see the good of people helping with what they can, small or big donations doesnt matter, aslong as people show caring and understanding towards whatever the cause! It is the thought that matters in my eyes, every little bit helps towards a greater world
Beautiful to see ? big congratz!
Hope ill get some of that gambling skill soon ?
I liked the game, a mini feature during base game and same in bonus but symbol turned wild instead and multiplying!
Has some nice potential!
Thanks everyone, much appreciated are the donations. My 8 year old lad is still very cut up about it, he has Autism and takes certain things deeply to heart and it is very difficult to get him to come round but what i can do here, is when the total is done, i can show him that Bruce’s life has been honoured by the kind people that like to watch his Dad playing the games and that the money is going to go and help other animals – he is a huge animal lover and i am hoping that he will be able to move on at that point. For Christmas he asked for animals to be sponsored on his behalf, Giraffes, Tigers, Elephants you name it lol We have started it off for him so together with that and the donations for Bruce, I think he’ll be smiling again in no time so a huge thanks to you all for that.
God bless! My son has autism aswell and can relate feelings are overwhelming!
Animals means alot and are a big help!
Merry x-mas and have a great holiday !
1There you go, donated my last 5
how come it doesnt update instantly when ive donated?
Nvm just took a minute
1There you go, donated my last 5 ? how come it doesnt update instantly when ive donated?
1Great of you to share this kind of experience! hope it ends up well for you and that you win over the demons in the end!