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  • in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #55456
    Steller WANTED $34

    awesomex wrote:

    The whole thing is a scam anyway. It’s not gonna happen. Theresa May has been against Brexit the whole time, so why does anyone think she will ever put forward a deal they will vote for? It’s all corruption. They will keep doing this until a new vote happens. And if they vote to leave, they will do the same over and over again until the vote says to remain.

    May (along with Cameron) and about 70% of all the MP’s are remainers and make no secret about it. I used to be as cynical as many others about our MP’s, but my bout of illness gave me  time to watch a lot of Commons tv and that transformed my opinions of them. There’s always going to be things to bitch about, but overall we have a group of very hardworking ( see how many have bags under their eyes) talented, caring people doing their best to make the UK as great as it can be. I’d take our lot over anyother countries MP’s  that’s for sure! Oh, and i’ll bet anything a deal will be made in the end!

    in reply to: Young girl hits 147 at Snooker.. #55428
    Steller WANTED $34

    My highest break is 26 lol. I only got that because there were some piss easy reds with the blue.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #55423
    Steller WANTED $34

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Funded by a Conservative ???? Please ?do better.

    Now I’m not saying that these Facts are wrong, however I am not a Labour supporter, never have been and never will be.


    I just did a quick search to try and give you some hard stats which you asked for and they were first up. I’m sure i could find many more but i want to move on from this now. One final thing i didn’t reply to was your comments about May. She, more than anyone wants us to get a deal done, leave the EU and ending this mess asp. It’s the Labour party and ERG who are stopping the deal being done and its them who are stopping the people getting what they voted for.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #55393
    Steller WANTED $34

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    Mr B wrote:

    I don’t support capitalism and if voting actually changed anything for the people, for the better, it would be outlawed.

    Yes, pointing this at no one in particular, the generalisms are no use, no matter which side throws them however, the biased ignorance is rife from both sides. That doesn’t mean everyone is ignorant but for the love of god, I wish people would understand that voting remain or leave and standing by that decision means you believe the system works for you.

    It doesn’t. It never has and it never will.

    There is a simple test that proves all of this. But I won’t waste my time being ignored. ?

    What system works as well or better than capitalism?   It “doesn’t work and never will” while people across most of the world have living standards way above the average person of generations gone by. For all its fauts, we are dammed lucky to be living in stable, democratic country with a high standard of living and no longer seeing housands upon thousands  of our young men being slaughtered in wars.

    Iran, Iraq, yemin, syria, Egypt Afghanistan and some proxy wars in Africa…

    Also as you mentioned we live in a democratic country.

    Except when the Maybot loses another vote, we don’t, because all these people saying the result must stand, then why is TM bring yet another round of her vote in again. She’s subverting the will of parliament and in doing so the will of the people. But you know that that doesn’t matter to you.

    I dont know how to post direct links so i’ll type them here and sorry about the cluttered post but i’m posting on my tv – Blair, Brown, Callaghan, Wilson governments on unemployment are proved on David Cameron  (amongst others)  even brought in up in parliament, a fact that Labour never even try to dispute. – National debt under last Labour goverments can be checked on They show debts as follows -1997/98 £352 billion. 2007/11 £527 billion. 2010/11 £902 billion.  Dennis Healey went to the IMF in 1976 to borrow £4 billion and that can be checked at  And we have not lost hundreds and hundreds of thousands of troops in Iraq, Syria etc.

    in reply to: Young girl hits 147 at Snooker.. #55384
    Steller WANTED $34

    There’s no physical reason why females can’t be as good at snooker as males.  Same with Darts.

    in reply to: Online Porn ” free no longer” #55382
    Steller WANTED $34

    Damn!!! This means i’m gonna  have to travel all the way to Bangkok for ladyboy action.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #55287
    Steller WANTED $34

    Mr B wrote:

    I don’t support capitalism and if voting actually changed anything for the people, for the better, it would be outlawed.

    Yes, pointing this at no one in particular, the generalisms are no use, no matter which side throws them however, the biased ignorance is rife from both sides. That doesn’t mean everyone is ignorant but for the love of god, I wish people would understand that voting remain or leave and standing by that decision means you believe the system works for you.

    It doesn’t. It never has and it never will.

    There is a simple test that proves all of this. But I won’t waste my time being ignored. ?

    What system works as well or better than capitalism?   It “doesn’t work and never will” while people across most of the world have living standards way above the average person of generations gone by. For all its fauts, we are dammed lucky to be living in stable, democratic country with a high standard of living and no longer seeing housands upon thousands  of our young men being slaughtered in wars.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #55280
    Steller WANTED $34

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    The core principals of the NHS remain the same – if you are sick you’ll be treated free of charge. We do not have a bottomless pit of money and we have an ever  increasing, ageing population , tinkering with things here and there to save or raise extra funds haa to be done by any sensible government. Labour would spend shedloads of billions we cannot afford and teave power with a massive debt  hanging over us and higher unemployent, justt like they always have, only it would be worse than ever under Corbyn and Commie run Labour. I say that as someone who’s only ever voted Labour.

    #Facts Matter….Your statement is wrong.

    If we stopped the B.S private payments given out by the public purse NHS to private company’s (who incidently are run by ex-tory mp’s & associates) then we save money, inflating the price off a light bulb because they said so is corruption 101 in my book & many others.

    BTW I don’t support or never have supported Labour.

    Also can you provide source material to back up your claims like I did. Or is this all your own facts?

    I watch a lot of the Parliament tv channel so get my info direct from the horses mouths, not fake news, or left or right media outlets giving their spin on things. The facts about every Labour government leaving office with higher umemployment than when they took over is basic knowledge as is the massive debts they leavve -150 billion last time alone.  Remember way back Dennis Healey had to go cap in hand to the IMF to bail us out. Momemtum full of Commies? Again, this is basic stuff most people should know. Just the other day  they were coming out with crap about Tony Blair, saying he was never a Labour man and his type of Labour party is gone and never coming back. That’s the thanks you get from extremists for a man who won 3 elections for their party. If there was a Blairite led Labour party here today, they’d win the next election by a landslide.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #55140
    Steller WANTED $34

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    This is rubbish as parts off the NHS have already been sold out. Facts matter.

    The core principals of the NHS remain the same – if you are sick you’ll be treated free of charge. We do not have a bottomless pit of money and we have an ever  increasing, ageing population , tinkering with things here and there to save or raise extra funds haa to be done by any sensible government. Labour would spend shedloads of billions we cannot afford and teave power with a massive debt  hanging over us and higher unemployent, justt like they always have, only it would be worse than ever under Corbyn and Commie run Labour. I say that as someone who’s only ever voted Labour.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #54886
    Steller WANTED $34

    It’s just scaremngering of the highest order to say the Tories are going to sell off the NHS. This lie has been banded about since the days of Thatcher. It wasn’t true then and it’s not true now! It woud be political suicide down there with a pomise to slash state pensions  and would lead  to a mass defection of MP’s and literally the end of the Tory party as a main party.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #54859
    Steller WANTED $34

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    The People have spoken and those in parliament (who represent the majority) should uphold what their constituents voted for. End of.

    Easier said than done tho. The “people” are very split with almost half being pissed if we left or stayed, and then we have both main parties split into factions. It’s an almost impossible situation no matter who ‘s in charge.

    Very true. It’s certainly not clear cut. But ultimately, if parliament don’t uphold the will of the majority, what’s the point of having a democracy.

    If it goes to a second referendum and we vote to remain by roughly the same margin, what happens then? A third, final deciding referendum.

    That way lies madness.

    How about a referendum to see if we want another referenum?  Its all as bonkers as a Bandit high stakes vid.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #54857
    Steller WANTED $34

    Green2711 wrote:

    Once we are out there goes the EU employment laws that protects us then we are left with the tories who’s only purpose is keeping themselves and their friends rich and they really couldn’t give a damn about the working class, do you really trust them? What happened to all the money that the leave campaign  promised that would be getting pumped into the NHS after we left? It’s not happening is it because the Tories want to get rid of the NHS and privatise. If you’re going to vote for the Tories in the next general election then I hope you have a bit of money in your back pocket because these cronies don’t have the best interest of the many just of the few.


    Sorry, but this “class war” thing is so outdated and gets us nowhere. There are indeed stil a few of those old, very hard right Tory barstewards who’d like to privatise or even  scrap the NHS and bring the minimum wage down to 49p an hour, but they are in a tiny minorrity and have zero influnce on government policy. The majority are middle of the road “one nation tories” with others on the left who are pretty close Labour rightwing Blairites. The hard fact is,is that EVERY single labour government has left office with unemployment higher than when they took power. The majority of people will never vote for an extreme right Tory party and certainly not an extreme left Labour party. Momemtum run this Labour party and its filled with Commies.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #54846
    Steller WANTED $34

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    The People have spoken and those in parliament (who represent the majority) should uphold what their constituents voted for. End of.

    Easier said than done tho. The “people” are very split with almost half being pissed if we left or stayed, and then we have both main parties split into factions. It’s an almost impossible situation no matter who ‘s in charge.

    in reply to: Brexit….Fed up of it ? #54842
    Steller WANTED $34

    Deal or no deal, we’ll be fine once the dust settles. What i do worry about is the prospect of Corbyn and the Communists who run this  Labour party taking power. So worried i’m voting Tory for the first time in my life in the next general election.

    in reply to: To all the haters.. #54677
    Steller WANTED $34

    dmc431 wrote:

    Quazzi wrote:

    Seriously? Did someone force you to watch The Bandits video? Did someone force you to register to a gambling forum? There was even a prefix to the video telling you to look away if it wasn’t your cup of tea.

    This is a gambling community, where gambling discussion/videos take place. Regardless of the stakes, if you don’t like it then don’t watch/read it. Registering to a gambling forum and then asking for your account to be deleted because you didn’t like something you saw it’s utter nonsense. Just forget the URL and never visit here again.

    You’re all fully entitled to your opinions and I’m not knocking anybody with mine, just stating the blatant stupidity of people. 

    The Bandit has always said he plays within his means, what his does within his means isn’t really anybodies business. If he chose to spend £41,000 on hookers and drugs, who are you or anyone to judge or complain about what he does. Again, if it’s something you don’t like or feel it’s in bad taste then cease and desist. It’s not rocket science.

    Alot of the people complaining are relatively new members/low level posters and were only brought to this site by the lure of free money.

    Nobody tells you how to live your lives, please don’t tell others how to live theirs.

    Peace and carrots.

    Why do you feel the need to defend Mr. Bandit? Also, generalising people by claiming they’re here for free money is a bit insulting. Why can someone not dislike a video and say there reason why? Instead it has to be twisted into the false narratives of them wanting free money and not recieving it, or them being salty due to a loss etc. Is it really that hard to believe people don’t like the videos of late, or the development of the persona of Mr. Bandit. It’s like an artist or band who had a small cult following at the start and blows up due to selling out, hate is always part of it. Having an evironment where everything is utopic is unrealistic and unhealthy. And just to clarify, I watch every video and have been subscribed since the early days of his channel, before you start calling me a hater or something along them lines.

    Why the need to defend Bandit?  He made it very clear about the content of the video and advised those who dont like Reel King and high stakes  not to watch it. Makes it very clear over and over  how and why he plays some high  stakes slots  We’ve now got people saying its wrong/bad for Bandit to play high stakes. Sorry, but who the hell are they to start pointing the finger in this way? It’s his money and he should be able to do exactly what he wants with it. These  moaners are like the old Mary Whitehouse brigade who watched “filth” just so they could be offended. Dont like high stakes then dont tune in!!!

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