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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $1
  • Topics Started : 0
  • Replies Created : 2

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  • in reply to: epic plums win #94126
    Taffya WANTED $1

    I actually celebrated The Bandits win as if my beloved Arsenal had just scored a 90th minute winner against Spurs at Shite Heart Lane!

    On a more serious note I genuinely love watching the videos The Bandit makes as I find it helps me get my “gambling fix” without spending my money. I sincerely hope though that people out there follow his advise and dont rush out thinking they can replicate his once in a lifetime win especially at these hard times when boredom will surly drive more people to gamble money they can Ill afford to lose.


    in reply to: cancelation on free give away #86546
    Taffya WANTED $1

    Watched the Bandit for years now and all I can say is to me he sounds and acts like a top bloke.

    I’ve read a few people saying he’s tricked them into likes and follows by announcing the free giveaway but I’d say nothings further from the truth and frankly for the sheer entertainment hes provided me on a dull Sunday afternoon I’m more than happy for him to pull the plug and donate it to charity.

    I hope and wish him and his family all the best for 2020 and ignore all keyboard warriors.


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