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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $105
  • Topics Started : 37
  • Replies Created : 297

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Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 297 total)
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  • in reply to: Backinamo/TGC Home game#3 #46251

    Going to try and get in this one pokerstars have just reopend my accoint due to tjen being fussy b******s with id and verify process so ?? they keep it open this time

    in reply to: Keeping posts on topics #46248

    Well said andy mate couldnt have said it any better myself

    in reply to: When you have been waiting for a video all day. #46117

    He won’t be doing one till Tuesday now mate just so you know

    in reply to: Horse Racing Competition #46092

    Amiller wrote:

    just to confirm a few things . You will all pick three horses per day with one point per horse .

    if your horse wins at say 3/1 , you will get 4 points . If your horse loses you wi get -1

    its a team game so all points will be added up at the end of the day

    you can pick the same horse as well so I could become Tatical

    i will need all your picks by 8pm the day before guys as I’m in work all week apart from the friday

    ill let you lot know what our lot have picked by 9pm the day before

    there is no money involved, just pride


    if you need to know anything else please feel free to ask

    Thanks for the info mate will have to get my thinking head on now just so we beat TGC lol good luck both teams

    in reply to: Bandit hope you had a great time #46067

    Seedy wrote:

    THAGABSTAR wrote:

    Glad youre having a great time but tell Steve I need my Sunday fix he’s been a lucky Fucker getting pissed the last two nights while I’ve been working my balls off so need my fix

    Be Tuesday now mate hang in there lol. ??

    NO NO NO im seing things you better have typed the wrong day there DAVE or i will be forced to come and kidnap steve for a video its hard enough waiting till monday now you tell me tuesday ?? going to have to report him as a missing person now BANDIT I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL GET MY VIDEO  lol

    in reply to: Bandit hope you had a great time #46061

    Glad youre having a great time but tell Steve I need my Sunday fix he’s been a lucky Fucker getting pissed the last two nights while I’ve been working my balls off so need my fix

    in reply to: Danger High Voltage 2 #46040

    Just Basics wrote:

    Which casinos are taking it mate.

    Hope they do a Veg Warp soon ?

    Fucking veg warp love it cucumbers (hulks dick)  to the end ??

    in reply to: Is there a way up from here? #46031

    Theres bot much i can say as your question has already been answered by our 2 great advisers who have been through what your going through and are here to talk about it as they know best in my oppinion so good luck and hope gamstop helps you loads ?

    in reply to: Affiliate waffle #46028

    I love how trolls got the perception that affiliation makes millions like its easy or something i say to them get your computers out and start a channel with there cash and hours of work trying to put videos together and get people to follow them and use their links bet they would be back in 6 months appoligising because of how hard it is for them to possibly make anything that month or the next P.S bandit us genuine followers love what you do for us all and would never question what you make and shit so dont ever feel the need to keep explaining yourself to dicks mate just tell them to kiss your piss pipe  and keep doing what your doing ?

    in reply to: I had to laugh #45923

    Im always laughing at his videos now i dont watch them for the slots i listen for his comedy

    in reply to: Choking for a slot session #45920

    Hope you guys stick to your gamban and dont give the casinos any of your money ive decided the only way im going to win and win a nice amount is to kidnap the bandit and only let him out my garage to play reel king for me ?

    in reply to: Choking for a slot session #45896

    You guys give great advice on here to people who need it wich i think is brilliant as you know what your talking about through years of experience with gambling good and bad also ive been thinking the same with some of the posts who have really done there balls and who havent its making the geniune people not really want to post about there losses tbh i wanted to the other night after going 2k in to a session  but stopped myself just because i dont want to look like im begging or something

    in reply to: Wtf am I watching ? #45689

    Wont belong before this is on the casino sites on a live game page lol

    in reply to: Life ruined in a day #45663

    Sorry to hear about the loss mate and you are taking the steps to self exclude gambling can be a cruel thing if you dont control it and gamble within your means but on the other hand you have done it on your first go which takes people years becasue of the first time they gamble they win and feel the buzz of winning so they always think there getting that win were in your case you discoverd the huge loss so in a way its a good thing for you so you know the cruel part straight off and your not looking for that win

    in reply to: What a sick day of slots! #45629

    Love the great hits there mate keep it up

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 297 total)