The devil

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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $76
  • Topics Started : 27
  • Replies Created : 223

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  • in reply to: Bandit’s hit on Lil Devil #90918
    The devil WANTED $76

    My first ever heart stopper returned 7,251 on a 60p stake, since then been lucky to get 50x so it can happen just got to be lucky.

    in reply to: To ban or not to ban #87209
    The devil WANTED $76

    This post basically defines my gambling life also, I am believe it or not a very lucky person had some crazy wins and it’s very rare I deposit and just lose it, I win 9/10 but I don’t win because I either don’t withdraw or reverse my withdrawal and lose the lot, just an example I have deposited £225 in total in the last 2 weeks and actually withdrew 1600 pound but reversed both withdrawals and lost them so potentially £1375 in profit but actually £225 down and one of them sessions was a £50 deposit and I actually was up to £1480 I cashed £1200 and left £280 to play with ended up losing the £280 reversed my withdrawal and lost that within about 3 hours this scenario happens very often to me if I wasn’t so greedy and was a bit more sensible so to speak I would be fine.

    i nearly fucked up a massive win in November you will be able to see my lil devil hit in the big wins section on here but I did cash out just over 16k altogether from a few sessions but I think I had 8k in my account at one point which that’s massive to me and I ended up going right down to nearly 1k, luckily had a few nice hits one after the other I got back up to the 8k but not knowing when to stop is also my issue I just enjoy playing but when you have won a lot of money you should always cash a nice amount and play with the rest because if you lose not only do you lose your money I’ve learned over the years it severely affects your mental health, this is what many people forget the amount of stress a session causes even a winning one is stressful.

    Apologies for the long post haven’t been involved for a while but this post was basically identical to my gambling experiences thanks if you took time to read this!

    in reply to: Casumo – Opening an account issue when won #81571
    The devil WANTED $76

    Not trying to be negative and hope you get the situation sorted but this chat log, casino members or representatives don’t or wouldn’t chat like this unless maybe you were a VIP, it looks like you have wrote this chat log on your own.

    in reply to: Did Dazza Gee from Youtube got burned as well ? #78936
    The devil WANTED $76

    The more and more shit that keeps propping up about streamers tbh there is only a few who I actually think are 100% genuine, the rest are in some way shape or form are fake just my opinion but it’s kinda ruining the whole watching videos experience for me now!

    in reply to: £2,000 Bonus Hunt Giveaway Results #76958
    The devil WANTED $76

    Congrats green and congrats to bio for the gesture and the profit, good video as well some bonuses were disappointing but bonanza was really good.

    Great idea!


    in reply to: £2,000 Bonus Hunt Giveaway (36 bonuses!) #76895
    The devil WANTED $76

    Is there a video coming up for this bonus hunt? Think it will be a good watch and didn’t know if I’d missed it on something else?

    The devil WANTED $76

    Kids don’t really know about gambling or anything unless you have a relative who does gamble even then I still don’t think a kid would could potentially be hooked, just from me personally my dad and uncle gamble and my other uncle has his own gambling business Johnny Ridley’s and yeah I started when I was 10 years old but like a few horses and that was it and I loved it but I wasn’t allowed to gamble that much it was only when I turned 18 I became hooked so fair point mate but just my opinion I don’t think it’s promoting kids and youngsters to gamble!

    The devil WANTED $76

    Don’t wanna slam this lad for his post but it is pretty daft let’s be honest I know what point your trying to get across but it’s pretty ludicrous tbh but a suppose you’ve made the forum have a debate of some sort haha

    in reply to: £2,000 Bonus Hunt Giveaway (36 bonuses!) #76701
    The devil WANTED $76

    Great gesture bio, I’m gonna say 6327 and cancer research for the charity, hope you make a decent profit anyway good luck!

    in reply to: Dangers of gambling! #76575
    The devil WANTED $76

    Thanks for the feedback from all of you like I said I caused this for myself I’ve just got to work to put platforms ahead of me to be debt free and enjoy life again , and in future if you don’t have the money for something you save up until you do, just no more bad debt, mortgage and shit like that is good debt so its time to concentrate and put myself on the right path of life haha I’ll get there just seems impossible from where I am now cheers for th support it’s appreciated!

    in reply to: Ask gamblers awards #75810
    The devil WANTED $76

    I’ve had a monster hit on legacy of Egypt in the past 60p bet returned £486 got something like 200 and odd spins altogether I think it was a 5x that just kept on retriggering but other than that I agree it’s a poor game I’ve had many bonuses that payed nothing but the trigger for landing the bonus!

    in reply to: Videoslots! #75262
    The devil WANTED $76

    She has a casumo account but nothing else normally she would have just deposited at casumo she just didn’t wanna deposit £30 pound of her own money so wanted to sign up at another one to get a welcome offer but probably picked the worst one for the amount she deposits she got 3 teases on diamond mine anorl none landed haha

    in reply to: Videoslots! #75260
    The devil WANTED $76

    I believe that would be wagering £52.50 to get £1.50 added it’s quite shit that to be honest she isn’t a big gambler she might have a go 2 or 3 times a month maybe £20 pound a time she just wanted a little bit extra entertainment so thought she would have £30 pound to play with out of all the casinos she chose videoslots the only ones to do it that way haha nevermind

    in reply to: Videoslots! #75259
    The devil WANTED $76

    Yeah I seen that too but what I gathered from that was you would have to deposit more to get to release the money in 10% increments because she played her £15 and it still says £15 bonus balance, god know thanks anyway winningbird

    in reply to: Videoslots! #75257
    The devil WANTED $76

    Yeah I’ve read all this myself and yeah it’s activated and everything haven’t got a clue what’s going on to be honest haha

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 223 total)



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