The devil

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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $76
  • Topics Started : 27
  • Replies Created : 223

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  • The devil WANTED $76

    Moon beam is nothing to do with bet sizes? The bandit never mentioned anything about struggling financially so a don’t know why your saying what your saying, the reason he won’t be producing content is because the uk market is dead, I don’t make content and even I struggle to play the slots nowadays constantly spinning away one press at a time, playing numerous slots that are built for a bonus buy, then you land some super bonuses get excited and they don’t even pay 100x it’s utter BS, land an extra chilli or vikings unleashed gamble it lose and then spin another million spins for a bonus, I’ve seen loads of people say hope you make another video or this or that he states he will not be moving to Ireland nor will he produce a video within the uk so accept what the bandit has produced and leave him be, say cheers or whatever and leave it at that, am sure he has bigger and better things to think about than making a video he used to get shit for in the first place

    The devil WANTED $76

    Don’t worry new regulators are coming into Ireland next year to put some restrictions in, what I’ve read very similar to uk regulations so all these lads who have invested in Ireland will have to invest in Malta or somewhere haha because they’ve already accepted gambling is out of control in Ireland, I hope it happens tbh because I know for a fine fact most of these affiliates claim to be in Ireland and I don’t doubt they have an address over there and have probably been there to stream but once there settled they will stream from the uk using there Irish residency account which in some way if they can get away with it fair dos but it shouldn’t be happening

    The devil WANTED $76

    The rumours will stop after this post, bandit has clearly stated the channels done so yes I understand you still get people saying shit but the majority will know that the games over seen as though the bandit has said himself, it’s not like he’s sat on the fence due to the uk being the way it is there’s no point in producing content and he ain’t going to Ireland so nothing people can really say anymore

    The devil WANTED $76

    Appreciate the honesty bandit been here a long time and I never wanted to know your private life if I’m honest just wanted to know the channel situation etc but you’ve gave me my answer, appreciate the entertainment and I’ve had a few giveaways in the past so thanks for all of that and wish you look in whatever new venture you get up to! Nice one mate and I agree with your decision based on the way uk slotting is set up and only you and rolla were ever real gamblers the rest are entertainers/businessmen they’ll be over the moon your out of the picture because none of them could produce what you could anyway cheers again!

    in reply to: Offer for bandit #115212
    The devil WANTED $76

    See xbob I’m not arsed about the private life stuff I agree with that no one needs to know about any of that but address your situation with the channel, a mean yes if shits happening in his private life it’s going to be at the bottom of his list but for me there will be 5 mins to spare to say I’m not finished I’ll be back or sorry folks I won’t be carrying on that’s what the majority of his followers want to know in reality and we still have any confirmation on that, and I think he’s lucky that people are still around shows the respect people have for him

    in reply to: Offer for bandit #115198
    The devil WANTED $76

    Well if this the case that’s quite disappointing one message would have been fine sure everybody would agree, tbh the fact a lot of people still ask about him shows what effect he had on the community but if he can’t even reply or a quick message think that respect barrier starts going out the window really

    in reply to: Offer for bandit #115109
    The devil WANTED $76

    Well what I take from seedies reply is something has happened, something is apparently coming which could be true or could be just to keep people interested because at some point if not already everyone will leave the forum and probably unsub from YouTube etc so we’ve been left with a dangling carrot again a think if there’s nothing from now till after Xmas that’s it for good and the possible break up with his wife may have occurred which is something that can kill people off I’ve been close to it in my life and it’s brutal so wouldn’t blame anyone for that shit

    in reply to: Offer for bandit #115095
    The devil WANTED $76

    To be honest I kinda don’t think it’s seedy’s place he’s a mate for starters and it’s the bandits forum/channel so it’s not for seedy to say anything, a can’t understand why bandit can’t just say something it’s not hard to make a quick forum thread or twitter post etc, even if it was one sentence I’ll be back in the future type thing or I’m done with the lot of it.

    I do believe some of these rumours are comical but some like possibly being in prison could actually be true because there’s something about all of this that tells me he can’t let people know has he has no access, I could be wrong but somethings clearly not right

    in reply to: Offer for bandit #115087
    The devil WANTED $76

    How true is this? Never heard of the separation rumour but have heard of the Tesco thing spitting in a police officers face or something, but at the end of the day it is not anyone else’s business I suppose but in regards to videos/the channel don’t think there’s any coming back from whatever position bandit is in

    in reply to: Azzi Gambling Fake? #115027
    The devil WANTED $76

    Just as I thought watched a little bit of one of his cronies live stream to see what was said and both angry slots and bob slots were saying azzi should have just ignored it all, just trolls trying to cause chew and this is why affiliates get so much hate because they can’t take any criticism at all without banning people instantly who have anything other than arse licking comments

    in reply to: Azzi Gambling Fake? #115017
    The devil WANTED $76

    Wish I had a quid for every time this has happened or let’s say they’ve been called out for it and there’s an explanation haha it’s like the person whose sorry for what they’ve done but their sorry for getting caught, and I’ll be honest I haven’t listened to the explanation but over the years I’ve heard them all, it’s an excuse to get out of being caught in my opinion simple as that really because they know if the truth escaped the games over, that’s the penny for my thoughts again people will believe what they like but I won’t fall for this BS!

    in reply to: Azzi Gambling Fake? #115007
    The devil WANTED $76

    I understand if people like someone not everybody likes the same content but that doesn’t mean you can’t ask questions, the only thing it tells me is when they ban people or their mods gang up for someone asking a genuine question is the pure guilt they have from doing what there doing, you can’t hide guilt no matter how hard you try.

    I think people will find a few with these lot from what I know one is from wales and the other two are Northern Ireland and somehow have come together and now all own a place in Ireland, which i remember watching an azzi gambling stream a while ago and from what he was saying he didn’t have a great deal of funds and worked a lot so couldn’t create a lot of content, now he’s doing 1 or 2 videos a day with thousands in the balance every time just makes me laugh.

    I personally think the Ireland thing is a bit of a front anyway even with them fruity lads, that scotty claims to be in Ireland every time he streams but he’s got younger kids, and won’t be in Ireland all the time no chance, they will make content from the UK just using their Ireland account same with the rest of them tbh it’s all a big con and the people that buy into the whole thing are brainwashed clowns in my opinion

    in reply to: Azzi Gambling Fake? #114997
    The devil WANTED $76

    Problem is xbob and you’ve been round long enough if you ask any questions your a troll/hater all this is rubbish get banned instantly and get ganged up on brainwashed fools basically, it clearly states fun mode and there is no getting away from that, funny enough I saw a live stream by angry slots where he clicks on demo mode and must realise he done it in plain sight and like comes back out of it and clicks real mode and gives an explanation afterwards looked shady as hell to me so that tells me and any normal person there’s something going on, they play at skill on net casinos which it was actually in their terms and conditions at one point you couldn’t be an affiliate and play on their sites so something must have changed there as well, I cba with the whole gambling farce I literally watch rolla, little bit of 7 neighbours and bandit when he was making videos, I don’t trust any of them as far as I could throw them anybody who tells me chip is legit is a joke don’t even wanna start with him and the rest of them are just non gambling people doing it for business purposes and brainwashing people into following what they do and making money from them doesn’t get any simpler than that really

    in reply to: Azzi Gambling Fake? #114992
    The devil WANTED $76

    There’s a few of them all in each other’s chats and stuff etc, apparently own a place in Ireland but I remember them starting out there’s him, bob slots and angry slots they were doing like 20p/40ps about a year or so, I’ve seen little clips there doing quids 2 quids £100-£200 bonus buys etc they just fall into the category of trying to replicate what bandit and rolls created there not proper gamblers though you can act and you can try and replicate best you can but if your not a proper gambler your never going to become big enough they pretty much don’t have a clue but they’ve got their support and good luck to them but they promote dodgy sites and wouldn’t surprise me if they do play demo mode.

    Cant wait for the restrictions coming in because Ireland are going the same route as the UK next year they’re getting regulators in to control gambling over there and then all them are screwed, will be a very happy day for me, there’s load of them no nothing about gambling just do it to make money from gullible morons basically

    in reply to: Offer for bandit #114919
    The devil WANTED $76

    Think it’s game over lads, there’s no signs of him even attempting to come back so whatever’s happened is too serious bit like nickslots the shows over folks!

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