The Bandit

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  • Town Status : El Bandito
  • Wanted Reward: $5411
  • Topics Started : 118
  • Replies Created : 3192

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  • in reply to: Does this happen to anyone else? #134784
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I feel like this often with games i smash to start with and then they go supppppppper shit but i guess that is simply the luck of the draw mate!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Its the noise my editing software makes when it has finished converting the file in to a file that YouTube accepts the upload in, i usually have one running whilst making a video so occasionally it gives a ding dong haha

    in reply to: Steves upcoming laser eye surgery #134782
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I feel they have been making rather a big point about the close up vision going shit, i did think whether that was actually a product of the surgery even though they say it WILL happen naturally, i can see great if its my phone in my hand, other than that, without contact lenses, i am bloody blind ha

    in reply to: Money Train 4 Bonus stats #134781
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Good little insight that mate thanks, all about that collector payer isn’t it!

    in reply to: Submit a win! Not working. #134495
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I will ask someone to take a look mate, cheers

    in reply to: search option on BC game #133370
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    It is right at the top now next to where it says Casino | Sports | Racing – it annoys me when they make tiny changes like that…. pointless imo!

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132540
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Kakarot wrote:

    Hi Bandit, just curious how you verified yourself with BC.GAME as I have recently been hit with the KYC, however im obviously using a VPN and accessing from the UK, how did you verify your account when we don’t have Irish residencies? Many thanks

    My honest answer is i can’t actually remember what i had to send at the start, i’m pretty sure that the KYC stuff was discussed on the forum and there were certain countries you could set your vpn to to be able to select UK in the drop down menu, what have they asked you to send for your KYC and maybe just send it, see what is said. I would imagine they know we use a vpn.

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132539
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Kiwifruitfan wrote:

    Hi Bandit, asked some fair questions but can’t see my comment (it said it needed approving or something) any ideas or do I need to try remember it all and re-type it out!

    Sometimes a post will go for manual approval, that then needs Dave to see it behind the scenes, read it and approve it so naturally, it takes a bit of time to do.

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132538
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Kiwifruitfan wrote:

    Enjoyed the content bandit and good to see you back. Few questions if I may!

    Were the bonus buys encouraged by the contract? – I ask as it seemed odd there was next to no natural spinning, given fast/ ultra fast spinning was available but it was mainly super bonus buying low stakes

    did you feel the contract made you record too much? – felt like by the end you were going through the motions and just buying to get the quickest video you could possible

    the fees – could understandably tell you were reluctant to withdraw due to fees. it made the jeopardy feel less in my eyes. You knew going into a game there would be 3/4 buys, costing let’s say £200 each, with less ups/ downs then the “old school” content where anything could happen. I guess this helped keep a stable balance so I understand, but going weeks of content with no withdrawals or deposits felt odd sometimes

    Thanks Bandit and enjoy the break.

    Tbh the whole point of me going to a place like this was to be able to buy bonuses so that was always going to form a large part of what i was doing there, the “contract” as we are all now calling it, didn’t encourage anything, i do what i do when i want to do it and how i want to do it, aside from having to fulfill an amount of videos over a certain time period of course. There was no influence whatsoever as to what i played and when i played it as i simply wouldn’t sign up for that.

    The speed of recording was great, i loved that part but actually, towards the end, i made them take longer didn’t i by mixing up whether i landed some natural bonuses or bought them so saying by the end to you it felt like that doesn’t really make much sense to me.

    The withdrawal process and fees were a massive massive faff so unless i’d got to some silly amount, it just wasn’t worth going through it. For example, if i started a video with 4k, finished with £6k, there was zero point withdrawing it all and paying fees to do so, knowing full well that i would be depositing again the very next day to play again, i made a lot of withdrawals over my time there especially with the whole MT4 madness, that’s when it was definitely worth doing!

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132537
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Bigbucksdelux wrote:

    What i want to know steve, what did you earn in referals of people to the page? Ive been watching you since 2016 or something daft, so its a genuine question:) i heard u had a contract, i want to know more about that part, or do you have an NDA with the site? Hope u can clear that bit up for us, much love!! Looking forward to your next series of compilations <3

    As discussed in previous videos, my deal was a flat fee payment for a number of videos over a certain time period, the first one was 20 videos over the space of a month and the second one was for 60 videos over the space of 3 months. Player numbers were irrelevant, the revenue figure paid to me was 0% and it didn’t matter whether i sent 1 player or 1000 players. Such is this industry that actually telling you the exact figure isn’t allowed, purely down to the fact that the company work with many influencers/content creators and i wouldn’t imagine a single one of those deals are the same.

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132536
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    I suppose except for the experts on the thread ( and no I mean experts, because it’s flying over my head all the processes you need… so genuinely anybody using crypto, you’re Hawkins level of intellect and I tip my hat to you, I’ve been struggling for a year easily   )

    but I suppose from a business point of view it works well for Steve, his business has over heads and the costs even the fees are part and parcel of play…some of the advice on here has been pretty solid and if he could use that then if he gets a “ second season “ with this casino or other he could cut quite a lot of his running costs.

    for lower price players ( the £50 a week/ month slotters )  I don’t think crypto stands  up as well….I don’t know , does any body play crypto and deposit less than a £100 ? Be interested to hear if you find it works for you….

    I think the experiment has been really good, the last video which had old and new styles worked really, you’ll always have the “ uhhh look he warped time and space and broke unlimited laws to get that max win” but personally I enjoyed the run of videos…

    For me, if you are depositing the odd £50 here and there, there is just no point in going through all the hassle involved with this sort of gambling, like even the cheapest bonus buys would mean your session could be over in literally seconds

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132535
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    MLG_1988 wrote:

    I’ve just been hit with the additional info required when trying to send funds to a casino I play at.  It asks what Wallet type!? And destination Country!?  I’m guessing the Country is the one you use for the VPN but I send Litecoin to the casino but that isn’t a wallet type!?

    Can anybody help me?

    I just put a random country and a “non custodial” i don’t think it is something they can actually check? I would suggest testing it with a very small transaction first though just to make sure it goes through fine

    in reply to: Reel king #132443
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I can’t do the same as i once did on Reel King simply down to having a monthly deposit limit on my accounts now (that isn’t something i put in place but rather the UKGC made the casino do), when i could chase the top out and know i could keep depositing if i needed to or wanted to, it was a very different game as i knew pretty much that it would top at some point. These days, if i am chasing out a top and i hit the monthly limit and have to stop, its almost like an enforced loss if you get me?

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132442
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Daveolfc wrote:

    Cheers bandit. Love the vids. My favourites are obviously when you win but when it matters. Odd times recently the money is just a number in your account.

    It’s like betting with cash always seems more intense.

    Quite often it felt to me like it was just numbers on a screen too, i think that came from the fact i didn’t really want to go through the bloody mission of sending it completely back to my bank each time and then of course you lose a bit of what that figure actually means, it became so so easy to sit at the bar and lose a few thousand pounds and just think, oh well, whereas if i’d have actually been sending each deposit every time i played i believe it would have felt a lot worse.

    in reply to: Review and opinions of the Crypto journey so far. #132441
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Slot wrote:

    Vinny123 wrote:

    Just wondering if you know the daily wheelspin is now a level up spin and any locked bcd will be wiped soon so,the majority of the bcd bonus you have been getting wont happen as there will be no rakeback( bcd deposit bonuses were  scrapped weeks ago, dont bother me at all but might be worth mentioning, Have a great time in Vegas

    Ah well that is good news as being a gambler that wagers a shit ton, it was forever accumulating some sort of bonus build up.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 3,192 total)