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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $272
- Topics Started : 25
- Replies Created : 984
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I’m really not understanding what streamers show just big wins . I know casino grounds do the big wins for the week . But the live streams off Nick and chipmunkz especially chip , nothing really happens . I won’t go near dead or alive because I’ve seen how many spins they have put into it , with no wild line . Not really promoting it are they .
My kids watch morgz. And they want all his merch . That kid must be a multi millionaire .
Who woke today’s troll?
Is it your day to suck the bandit off?
Has he done the draw for that yet . I’ve created shit loads off accountants for that one ?
2Who woke today’s troll?
I don’t know , but they won’t be on to late , there bk at school tomoz .
1It’s always the same argument . Addicts . Well I know some addicts and when they have money , the last thing on there mind is a must go through affiliate links .
What u don’t get tho is u think the sun shines through each other’s arse online and on here 24/7 but in reality most of u are cunts that like to come across as genuine. For example the same woman ur talking about spent her kids school coat money on gambling… she isn’t a real woman is she come onnnnnn. I would die before that happened
Horrible bastard . CUNT
1I’m done with you all anyways. Thanks for the laughs.
Ok bye . Same again next Xmas?
I wish the bandit was interested in getting loads off sign ups . We would get at least 3 videos a week ?
I did not enter the giveaway but am a big fan of bandit’s youtube videos. With his mixture of humour and high stakes combo
the videos are super entertaining. In my opinion best casino related youtube content. That aside it does feel Bandit we thought we
knew in last 12-18 months has been a different character. Not sure if it’s coming into money or he is tired of being fake but his attitude
towards his viewers and fans has become surly and disrespectful. Yes it is true a few morons make constant false/idiotic statements but his reactions show a lack of tact and spoil the spirit of the videos. He reminds me of 5 year old having a tantrum when they do not get their way.
Bandit loves to say it is my money, my site ,my video and I will do my f*cking way. This is stating the obvious as we all know this is the case.
I don’t know of any other streamer/casino content making these condescending remarks to its viewers. It feels a little like the success/money
Bandit has made is showing his true self which is not pleasant. I am sure we all thought of him as that guy who loves a punt that bets higher than we can imagine with a great sense of humour. Basically one of the lads not a know all d*ck
What’s with all the paragraphs ?
He buys 2 only when he has promoted a new casino the previous month ?
1Yeah I don’t think there’s any doubt the top streamers make a absolute fortune, it’s a business Designed to attract as many ppl as possible to sign up to links, I understand this and say good luck wish it was me! Ppl saying they don’t make much is utter rubbish tho, with the figures quoted they will easily cover all giveaways and losses on slots
Chipmunkz goes Starbucks every morning. Must be making shit loads ?
Good post, I’m of the same opinion as you, been a fan for about 3 years, bandits manner on explaining the cancellation was poor in my opinion, he came across as an entitled, arrogant snob, the decision he made was right in my opinion, some of the regulars or mods on this forum should think before they post, they too are coming across as pay-rolled, fanboys, correcting folk on spelling and being generally arrogant, just ignore the fuckwits and send more sensible replies to the long time followers who feel a bit let down.
Just my opinion, feeling a bit meh with the whole situ
Watched the start off the video again . He is talking to the people that have entered numerous times . That’s why he says cancelled that’s right cancelled it’s aimed at them .
Are some people that poor that they get worked up over a 3k prize draw ? If it was a million I could understand the time taken to make multiple entries. I could probably understand them getting all pissy about it getting cancelled. But it’s 3k. A nice gesture from the bandit which would have been nice had it been won by one of the regular posters on this site ( which I’m not one of). It’s a sad state of affairs reading the begging posts and posters trying to tell him what to do with HIS money. You could always fuck off and watch chipmunk
You can’t go wrong with chipmunkz giveaway . Holds up a Amazon gift card code up at the screen . GO !!!
I was looking forward to the draw , not so much cos thought I wud win , more for names u know from the forum might win .
1Wow these threads went loco! How old are some of these people with the playground insults?
Anyway who needs a book when you can read all this crazy shit here haha
Please just try and keep it in one thread… it’s quite hard to keep up with all the new threads regarding the same discussion
Ha ha i know Rbreen got arguments going on in multiple threads. Can’t keep up