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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $272
- Topics Started : 25
- Replies Created : 984
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Called us cunts , retards , clowns , and narrow minded . You just wait till 2021 !
none of yous retarded cunts can explain how what i say is wrong. Yous all just seem to think because something is the way it is now that it will stay that way. Lol. Plus yous are narrow minded clowns with no real understanding of how the real industry works. You will all understand a lot more in 2021.
Maybe I am
. And I can tell your very clever . But then again I’m stupid so who knows
Plus i hate to be that guy, but it’s you’re not your.
Like I said you are clever .or you’re clever .
Maybe the little kid hasn’t got 50 or 60 thousand followers. Maybe a lot of his followers aren’t out for the wrong reasons, like trying to put an end to his stream because they don’t agree with what he does for a living. I can tell you are narrow minded and maybe a little stupid, too… just with that one comment and the research into it that you had to go through to come to such conclusion. The little kid is also breaking the law and could go to Prison. I guess none of that matters though. Rolla, Bandit and Chipmonk or other streamers won’t mind breaking the laws and chancing going to Prison if it means they can make videos/streams and they get people to like them. Plus they get paid for breaking the law…. Although that could result in the loss of family, friends and time (the time they will have to spend in Prison)… none of that will matter to them, because just like the kid looking to look cool without a care in the world or real job and household to look after they don’t give a fuck!!
……No wait, they would.
Maybe I am ?. And I can tell your very clever . But then again I’m stupid so who knows .
They have no influence on these sites like i said, i could go on youtube and watch people smoking weed or buying bonuses
Yeah your right , just typed in smoking weed . And sure enough some little kid is doing a 24 hour stream off him sat there smoking weed ?
I love watching Rolla, but being honest I would not watch him spin at 20p stake .
1They meet in underground car parks . He’s never seen his face , he just throws an envelope on the floor and then he’s gone.
so nobody actually knows ?
could it all be demo money in reality ?
Shows his deposits and withdrawals
My advice . Respond to people for fucks sake . It really pisses me off , when people come on for advice , then nothing .
Really think reading the horror stories , has helped me not get to carried away with slots , yeah some stories were probably bullshit . But if was just all about big wins and happy times . Don’t think that would make it a better forum.
When I win a few hundred off a tenner and buy something for my bedsit or something then pump the rest back in I justify in my head that it was only a tenner to begin with and I’ve got some new shit which is cool.. On a much larger scale I suppose your on the same wave length, although when I explain that to anyone who isn’t a gambler they say “spoken like a true gambler” lol and I dont think they’re wrong tbh
Yeah that’s exactly what it is . He bought nice shit with the money . Car a house . but obviously not many get a house out off it . That slot session is probably playing more on seedys mind than the bandits .
Don’t think he has lost 400k has he ? . Don’t forget he went to Vegas twice , and had good results , so after them 2 trips , he prob had more money than he expected to have anyway . He could easily have been 72k down, after them 2 trips , and know one would have given a shit .
I’m not concerned . I’m sure he will still have enough money to do the prize draws at the end off the month ?