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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $272
- Topics Started : 25
- Replies Created : 984
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I didn’t enjoy the last video, nothing to do with Bandit he’s a likeable guy, it was just hard to care or get excited about the gambles or wins , once he was mulling around the 50k mark it was just Like well what difference does it make if you win or drop a few k, honest opinion thats all, not having a go.
Nah I wanted to see the balance hit 100k
So do they all work for Jamie then and just get a percentage off profits ?
did any one else see there ad on youtube i think it was on the ad before nickslots stream it was linz winning and danger high voltage
It come up when I was playing bandits video an old one . X6 x6 x6 wilds
11Would gladly hand over my salary for him to gamble with , it’s a safe investment . ?
A gambler is more likely , to become friendly with Edna , maybe have a relationship with her . And clean her out over time .
Excellent plan, I don’t suppose you have Edna’s phone number do you?
just want to give her a call to introduce myself
No point mate . She got nothing left ?
A gambler is more likely , to become friendly with Edna , maybe have a relationship with her . And clean her out over time .
Now they can tell Green :
Your win on Magic Mirror? What Magic Mirror?
This is what I’m worried about. It feels like they are thobbing me off long enough so they can say “Oh that 1000x+ win you had? Sorry mate haven’t had magic mirror on here for a few weeks now, all we can do is offer you 10 free spins on paint, ta ra lad.”
Although it is rather amusing that I may have actually broke the game
10 free spins on paint . Take it mate . That will pay more than u won ?
Was nice to see gates off hell , actually throw some wilds in , on a big stake . Seems long time ago since I’ve seen that .
Always play bonanza on 20p . But thought fuck it did some pound spins . Gold dropped in . Oh the excitement. Payed 23p. Every bonus I ever had on 20p payed more than that . And every bonus since then on 20p has paid more than that .
Look at Grosvenor loads off people cashed out on here , because the welcome bonus hardly had any wagering on it . So i think it’s more to do with deposit bonuses , rather than any funny business .
It does feel like it . But when u at a new casino u get the welcome bonus . Which is a bit off an advantage . So u have got more off a chance off hitting a nice win .
I did 20 pound last night . Out off the wife’s PayPal account . Shitting myself come Monday when it shows up out off her bank account . Gona need ?
The game was playing out the 2nd phase off the bonus . I’m sure off that . But we will never know for sure . Think we can all agree it was a bit off a fuck up.