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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $272
- Topics Started : 25
- Replies Created : 984
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Reality check folks. Great story but not indicative of the norm. 10 quid 20p spins does not mean you even get one bonus. It’s pure luck. It’s the same as doing £200 spins you have the same chance of bonus. Play to your means and forget everyone else’s tall stories the chances are it ain’t gonna happen.
Sorry to be a dick but it’s called reality.
Ohhh wow thanks for that .
Btw anyone wants to sub to my youtube channel would be muchly appreciated X
11Got 5 numbers on the thunderball . Needed the thunderball to be number 10 but it was number 6 . So i just have it as a reminder how close i came to life changing money
I have had wild reel 2 and 4 . Can’t remember wot i got with it must have been extra spins with me not remembering . Paid ok , it wasn’t spectacular.
This thread needs locking or deleting just going to be arguments .
3He has been a member on here since Feb 18 . That’s got to count as a positive for him .
Mate ive read all of your forum posts. And ive come to the conclusion that your a person trying to get a free handout.
Nearly all of your posts and replys are sad atftempts on pulling on peoples heart strings.
Ive got debt, i aint got a decent telly. I dont have broadband. I sold my laptop. I hardly ever see my family or friends. My dad is on his last legs due to a failing liver.
But i dont fking moan about it because i have a job. I have 2 awesome cats. I have a warm house, i have my health…maybe not mentally but im doing fine.
Listen pal if your suicidal over a fucked up telly and laptop and a bit of bloody 9k debt…which is fuk all btw….ive got nearly 40k debt. But i pay the minimum payments. Yeah i blag the companys that i owe, but fuck it. I need my money more than them.
Get a grip of yourself. And get some mental health help…which you can get for FREE btw.
Crack on son and stop blabbing about fuck all problems…cos thats what you have.
You just did sort off moan a little .?
its a bit unlucky that , but it could have been a worse set up . Still a nice win . Not had the red key yet myself .
The sickest of games!
Sickest good or sickest bad?
It’s not gambling as someone who games a lot for instance in Fifa you have the packs that you buy with random players in to build your team these are just loot boxes but are exactly the same as when I was a kid spending a fortune buying packs to fill my premier league sticker book or the more modern match attax cards.
The main problem is companies over pricing all these items as in each game extra look cool goodies like in fortnite cost a fortune like 7 quid to look like a dinosaur etc now if they released these new skins at say a quid it would be much more acceptable as they bring new costumes out weekly and then they disappear for a period of time and the kids that don’t get then as the parents don’t wanna pay that much then feel the odd one out when there mates have got them.
Long I know but meh!!
i did steal off my mum and dad to buy stickers for them panini books , very addictive they were
Oh well you had to carry on though because off everything else that happened . At least u had the good sense to stop at 60k many would have carried on with funds there .
Day 26 without a bonus on tiki tumble surly that is impossible
if i dont laugh il cry hahaha
Oh dear god! Plz tell me you’ve been going too sleep .
1Hi Steve, having followed your journey from the start i find myself having to write this to voice my concerns at recent comments made by viewers of Nick Slots on a recent stream. It was alleged that yourself along with others are using casino money to produce your content & mislead us. I’ve personally read such comments before regarding other fake streamers, but to see your name involved in such allegations saddened me to be honest. Like thousands of others, i watched your channel grow enjoying hours of humour, pleasure & also pain along the way. I really hope these allegations & comments are unfounded as would be very disappointed to think myself & others have been purposely mislead. With so many people now streaming there is bound to be an element that may pursue this option of fake money & similar but my gut instinct is that you have NEVER been this way. Your openess discussing finances & affiliates strengthens this for me, along with charity work for you , Rocknrolla & other great causes. I hooe this ugly issue disappears but also hope my feelings of your stream & channel are correct. Keep up the great work & fuck the trolls / haters.
He did show his deposits and withdrawals . So don’t know wot more he can do