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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $272
- Topics Started : 25
- Replies Created : 984
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Haha cheers dude. Debt free off to Spain in a few months laughing at all you lot in debt. Your family must be proud
gambled your life away. Literally. and still doing it
Wow . How exotic .
You won’t have a leg to stand on as clearly you breached the terms.
yes I agree it’s harsh, but had you played at a decent casino you wouldn’t have this problem.
also this site or it’s members can’t help you, they are fanboys and bandit is only a affiliate. they don’t care.
register at a real site and sign up only via accredited casinos and you won’t have this issue.
What the fuck are u on about .
15th February 2020 at 6:09 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #9113415th February 2020 at 3:14 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91053So u own 50% off your house , 50k a year job. And u owe 16k . I would take that right now .
15th February 2020 at 2:32 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91040I don’t feel sorry for u , because I think there is millions off people who would love to trade places with u 50k year job , home , family . Just sort a payment plan and live off 30k a year . Maybe even 40k a year .
Nick slots did 100 pound spin on reactoonz by mistake yesterday . Coincidence that your on here the next day , same stake , same game .
Wonder if it’s just reel king , or has the captain venture gamble ladder gone too .
If u mean video slots , think u will need to be active in March to enter the prize draw . But it might be that there is no prize draw for video slots .
have the prize draws stopped cant see feb 2020 draw,did i miss something ?
Yeah January’s prize draws
The wife puts money in my bank account . And I don’t think it would go down to well with her , if I was to ask her for proof off income for an online casino . Oohhh the fucking ear ache
Got to love it when the degenerate gambler resorts to abuse when you point out the obvious to them.
Oh come on , u can’t see how he talks down to everyone .
You literally just quoted someone who does just that.
I know just been reading all his other posts ?
1Got to love it when the degenerate gambler resorts to abuse when you point out the obvious to them.
Oh come on , u can’t see how he talks down to everyone .
Who would have thought that a literal reskin of bonanza (with another random feature the barrel random symbols that will clearly make it even less likely to pay) would be hard to bonus
man the casinos must love you guys no offence
Your a complete tosser . No offence
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