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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $12
- Topics Started : 9
- Replies Created : 57
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Ditched Goldenbet a few weeks ago , whole site is flakey, Prags not been running properly for months then withdrawals being held for a day without processing.Was sick of struggling with the site and a couple of months ago and self excluded only to return as I couldnt fund any other of my crypto casinos.I asked if the self excusion could be cancelled, yep no problem, back on the site straight away.Soon realized my mistake, site was as bad as ever then read somewhere they only properly self exclude if you state you have a gambling problem (which I dont).Got an email confirming the self excusion and stating I would not be allowed to reopen my account and will never be allowed to access the site again.Since then I (think) I have sorted out my funding problems and use, which is far more proffesional.
The Uk casino was never viable,very few providers and games, thought when it was launched that it was a means of steering UK players to the crypto casino.
Gambling wins in any form are not taxed in the UK.Not because the HMRC is being kind but due to the fact that if winnings were taxed, gambling losses could be claimed against tax,and as we all know in the long run the casinos always win.Sure the taxman is working hard to find a way round this.
Revolut may send to any address but many are rejected when entered in the send screen, No transfers directly to BCgame would work for me, neither would transfers to most wallets.The only use I could find for them was as a means converting BTC to fiat and back to my bank account at great expense,Since I was slapped with SOW by them I no longer use them.
Regulation is creeping into Crypto transactions and probably within a year it will be impossible to send funds to any gambling site without submitting extensive documention.One thing I cant get my head round is why online gambling is singled out as a bad thing and banned by many exchanges when the majority of Crytpo deposits are made with the intention of making a profit by trading,which in my mind is gambling on a massive scale.I invested large sums into UK investment plans over the last couple of years and the potential daily losses can be eye watering,far greater than anything a rational person would lose at a Crypto casino.
If you are talking about playing at BC Game, you probably would be best to use Nord vpn, the paid version is worth getting for the price and reliability.
Then its just a matter of selecting the version of Bc Game and setting the country on Nord which gives all the game providers.From the UK i use and Brazil, I used to use Norway but Elk games stopped working there.Hope that helps
Revolut asked me for source of funds including full evidence a few weeks ago saying the account is restricted, they will have a long wait, I asked them to close the account but they cant as there is a couple of pounds in there.. whatever
Soon as I get SOW request from anywhere, the account gets closed, my info is far too sensitive and valuable to send to any company, the HMRC are welcome to all my information however.All the shit Steve had and is still getting proves that the even the biggest UK bank doesnt know what the fuck they are doing
Good to hear the surgery was a success,when I posted earlier I forgot the mention the cutting of the eye flap, sounds gruesome but not painful. weird thing is as Steve will know is that when the flap is folded back from the eye you loose focus totally and all you can see is flashing laser lights, when the flap is put back, your super new eyesight is revealed,just have to be careful not to do anything to dislodge it for a while as it takes time to heal back in place.Whole procedure is really clever.
Just wondering if he got the halos, you see them more at night while driving which i dont think he does.
Like i said mine was done 20 years ago and things will have come on leaps and bounds.My vision has not deteriorated significantly since then, close up is still shit esp in dark light but ok with reading glasses, the distance vision which was really bad went to really good and stayed there without glasses, can spot my loopy lurcher doing things he shouldnt 100 yards away.
Sounds just like I was, I used to do really close up work repairing PCB,s without using glasses,my income depended on it, after the surgery even with glasses,i had no chance of being able to carry on doing it, fortunately my circumstances changed and I didnt need to.The Surgery WILL change your close vision,and you will need reading glasses or contact lenses.I just dont think its possible to get perfect distance and close vision by a laser procedure.Really dont want to you put off having it done,it depends what you are expecting it to do for you and what the benifits are that you are hoping for.The Halos are weird, they last a few weeks,when you look at a bright light like a light bulb, it will have a massive halos around it.Sure you will let us know how you get on.
Been using an autoclicker ever since the UKGC decieded that we are not capable of coping with spins under 3 seconds.
May have missed it but never seen Bandit do a bonus hunt on a video, think his mindset is keep buying on the same game until it gives a result, can understand it when it could cost hundreds to get a bonus and it ends up paying 47 pee
Imagine the smell of burning eyballs,luckily there is no pain, that comes when you have to pay the bill.
1Sometimes the Little Devil bonus buy is a heartstopper, sometimes not, seems to pick it at random
25th December 2023 at 9:24 pm in reply to: Same thing happened regarding your bank account to somebody else #133981Cant believe Steve has been tottally blanked again today by Barclays,but like I posted it has the smell of Big Brother about it and they probably have no choice,something badly wrong about the system though,a business could be busted if are they denied access to their funds for any length of time.Nice move involving the Police but the HMRC aint going worry about that, they have powers way above them.Seriously considering shiftIng most of my funds out Barclays, never liked them.Hoping my recent Razor win doesnt cause any problems, I know anything 10k or over is scrutinized.
22nd December 2023 at 4:44 pm in reply to: Same thing happened regarding your bank account to somebody else #133929Makes me want to close my Barclays accounts but no point as it seems any bank can do this, Sounds like Big Brother is involved somewhere and ordered an investigation into your transactions, esp with sudden change of attitude during the phone call,looks like someone high up was consulted and ordered the guy helping you to stonewall you totally.
I only use a dedicated Lloyds account for gambling,depositing from other accounts as needed, I would never carry out any crypto transactions my main accounts.
Its very scary and hope you get sorted out soon,the banks behavoir sounds disgusting I would be demanding considerable compensation for the inconvenience and fucking up your xmas.