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  • in reply to: Boylesports FOBT restrictions #147167
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    That’s ridiculous. UK market has gone terrible all round. I refuse KYC’s now after Ladbrokes did one (I played online). They questioned me about everything on my bank statement and from one from 2 years ago that they had on file. All triggered when I updated my address. You got it right though, if you’re winning (which across the brands of Ladbrokes, Coral and Party casino I was) it’s suddenly KYC time, you can’t play unless you do it. Shite to all that. I play more at crypto now.

    in reply to: Bc Game Lossback #147018
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    I agree with Slot. I signed up to Gamdon after he recommended and it’s the only crypto site I play. Never had an issue, good game selection and Instant, weekly and monthly money based on wagering.

    in reply to: What Crypto Casino do you play? #144608
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Slot – You always champion Gamdon so I made an account and opened a Revoult bank account. Used my Revoult debit card to deposit on Gamdom a few times with no issue. Using a VPN as I’m in the UK. Their payment processor swapped.com now want me to validate ID. I did the thing where you have to move your head to prove you are alive and I uploaded my driving license (UK) and now i keep getting this

    Any ideas?

    in reply to: ayezee #140002
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Don’t call someone a moron when you don’t know the difference between you’re a your. It doesn’t help your case.

    in reply to: ayezee #140003
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Go and have a look at the numerous Youtube videos out there that actually explain why he is fake. There was a really good deep dive investigation one but I can’t find it as I can’t remember who did it. The crypto wallet is not his, Showed how it worked. it’s the casino’s. The casino send the crypto to the wallet, he plays with the money they transferred, all the money win or lose goes back to the casino. Yeah, he will be paid for promoting. You think he actually pays you on the giveaways? The casino does. Bit of research might lift the blinkers but sometimes you people don’t want to know the truth.

    in reply to: ayezee #139983
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    He isn’t legit. The casino pay him money to play with. None of it is his money. He wins, not his money. There’s lengthy videos on the internet explaining how it works. All the people that think he is legit are morons.

    in reply to: I’ve lost 14k #138275
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    I hate seeing posts like this. They infuriate me. Grow up and accept some responsibility. No-one put a gun to your head and made you play on crypto sites or play the same games that you see in Steve’s videos. If you’re going on a gambling site and you moan about player protection after you’ve spunked your money you shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

    If you are trying to divert or get around Gamstop or UKGC restrictions then you know what you’re doing by playing crypto. If you can’t control the demon inside you that makes you want to play irresponsibly then seek counselling or hypnotherapy because you’re a degenerate that’s out of control.

    For whatever reason people watch the Bandit’s videos for – ex-gambler getting their fix of slots, gambler that enjoys watching others, gambler that will never play at these stakes, gambler or non-gambler that just enjoys the banter on the videos – there’s no push on you, the viewer, to go and sign up to the site and then spunk $14k! That’s on you.

    I’ve gambled for 30 years. Last 10 online. I’ve never switched over to Crypto. Seems a ball ache with the exchanges and I don’t fully trust the casino’s yet. I’ll stick to UKGC controlled sites for now. I can still easily do my bollocks in on them and do sometimes but guess what…….that’s on me! Not on on anyone I watch on YouTube. It’s hard to keep control. Took me far too many years to learn how. So, learn how to gamble responsibly or don’t gamble. One or the other. Sure as hell don’t ;ay blame on anyone else but you if you lose!

    in reply to: Source of funds #135927
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Crypto wallets are now under FCA regulation so it will fall under AML rules

    in reply to: Hoarder X Ways Max Win – no bonus buy #135327
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Wow. I love this game. Had good hits on it but always dreamt of a max win. Came in off 4 scatters as well. You must of known early doors it was going for one. There were like 11 or 12 spins left when you got to the wasteland.

    Fantastic hit my friend and from natural pay. You should submit the video to CasinoGrounds and get on one of their videos. If you withdrew the full amount then it will trip extra verification from the casino. I think over £3k they have to. They may want to check with the provider as well possibly but nearly a month is way too long to be waiting. Which casino is it?

    in reply to: Crypto casinos #134471
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Had to reply as your post infuriated me. As someone who all too well knows how gambling can screw your life up, I also know that at the end of the day, regardless of controls you put in place and things you do to mitigate losses, you have to take ownership and have some self control.

    Why, if you’re on Gamstop, would you a) be watching the videos and b) giving in and signing up to crypto. You can’t blame anyone but yourself. You could have watched the videos and that’s it. Did you not hold onto the memory of how your life has been previously ruined? If someone playing crypto is enough to tempt you then do not watch gambling videos. You can hardly blame any streamer for your actions. You have a choice and as much as the gambling monkey on your shoulder whispers ‘go on, it’ll be fun. It won’t be like last time’ you could have resisted.

    Get rid of your VPN. Delete your crypto apps. Do what you need to and (as many of us have), start again. It sucks you had managed to save money and now that is gone. Probably could be way worse though. If you ever get tempted again, remember how much it sucks right now.

    in reply to: F’ckd over by every casino #133516
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    That’s just a really bad run of luck maybe? You need to vary the casino’s that you play at and also vary your games. I play across 6 casino’s, can be a sucker for going on the same games but I do try new stuff. I’ll usually have a cash out each month but there have been recent times of depositing and no bonuses happening. I might play the games I like at one casino and they are doing nothing, switch over to another and the same games are doing something. All hit and miss but you must have variety in your choice.

    If a game isn’t bonusing, have the will to close it and move onto something else and take the loss. Go back to it you build your balance back up.

    in reply to: Metaspins #131170
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    I’m curious, did you try to withdraw the entire £2.5k all at once or a couple of small amounts? All the streamers I know who use crypto have said to withdraw small amounts if you win a big amount.

    in reply to: TransUnion – affordability #131122
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Do you know what your lifetime net profit/loss was at Unibet? Have you recently had a good run of wins and been withdrawing more than depositing? I’ve seen casinos get rid of players who are winning more than losing using this as an excuse. WHG did it to me.

    Checking your credit file is fairly standard nowadays for a casino.

    in reply to: Sticky situation #131052
    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    Only your rent? Been there plenty of times before and way worse situations. My advice, don’t hide from the problem. It exists and it isn’t going away. Here are my suggestions:

    Be honest with your wife (and children if needs be). If you’ve been off gambling for 5 years then you’ve had a slip. Happens to the best of us. Let your wife know but more importantly give solutions to the problem.

    Speak to your letting agency/landlord and say something has occurred (issue with your pay, emergency bill) and ask if the payment can be made late. You will not immediately be kicked out for missing the rent. Doesn’t work like that. If you work, worse case scenario is you have to double up on your next wage.

    Look around your house and sell things you do not need on eBay or take them to Cash Gen (long term though this will cost). They are only possessions which can be bought again when your financial position improves. Downgrade if needs be. Have an expensive phone? Get it sold and get something cheaper for now.

    Speak with friends/family if viable. Be honest and ask for help. This depends on your circumstances and your friends/family.

    Is your credit good enough to get an overdraft? If so, get one.

    Even if you can’t raise all the money for what you are missing, some is better than none.

    Key thing is speak to the people involved. I’m sure you feel like poo and you are really disappointed that you have let yourself and others down. Don’t beat yourself up too much though. You aren’t the only person ever in the world to make a mistake. Missing rent is not good but it isn’t the end of the world.

    Go and put yourself on Gamban or Gamstop so it doesn’t happen again.

    Make sure when you speak to your wife you have a plan and have already taken action to rectify the problem.


    Weemonk23 WANTED $7

    I got 10 mins into the vid just to confirm how idiotic this is. Essentially, take your starting amount of £100. Go on something low volatility and try to double it. When you do just use your profit to go on something else and then try to triple it……..10 mins to get to that point. I guess after this you put the original winnings away and use your profit on something mid volatility.

    People watch the video, go to the casino, try this, maybe get lucky and think it’s because of this magical system. What a pile of dog’s bollocks.

    As they say in the vid, you’re trying to build a balance (bankroll) so you can on something riskier. Everyone plays differently when gambling but this is not revolutionary. If i deposit £20-40 I’ll play 20p to 40p stakes and hope I get the right slot to begin building my balance. If I do, I up the stake or go on something I know may be a grind to bonus but has potential. Does this work? Sometimes but the key factor is luck. You play a slot(s) at the right time and they pay or you play at the wrong time and they eat your balance.
    You can have whatever system makes you feel happy……deposit £500 and have 50 spins at a tenner. You get lucky you’re probably gonna boost that balance quick, you don’t and it’ll be gone in the blink of an eye.

    Content creators make money from these daft arsed videos.

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