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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $118
  • Topics Started : 13
  • Replies Created : 245

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Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 246 total)
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  • in reply to: Bonus hunt tomorrow #65035
    whoswho WANTED $118

    hey ejit hopefully you will upload it to YouTube would be keen to watch I find you very insightful and real

    in reply to: Ya Banned Mate! #64938
    whoswho WANTED $118
    in reply to: Ya Banned Mate! #64922
    whoswho WANTED $118

    Regarding Dune:

    Its like your invited to someone’s house for dinner you go there eat the food then make a comment of fuck this it’s yuck I’m off to find a real cook.

    From that your never going to invite that person back for dinner likewise with Dune in this forum

    in reply to: Dune2000 blocked? #64767
    whoswho WANTED $118
    in reply to: God I hate Bonanza #64702
    whoswho WANTED $118
    in reply to: Back to back? #64694
    whoswho WANTED $118

    IMO I think collecting the 2nd would have been better, as it would have netted him a great profit. I’m saying that I didn’t see the first part of the vid so I can only assume he was down more than the 25k in.

    Either way it worked out well for him and I’m very happy for that also to all the monthly winners well done if your out there

    in reply to: Playing for the buzz #64265
    whoswho WANTED $118

    I was similar to this but back then I was making 10,000nzd a week and yes it was through illegal things and yes I did get caught and yep I went to prison for just over 4years. Back then I would go up and down thousands gamble for 10-12hours straight didn’t care if I won or lost just lived in the moment.

    prison changed my life I completely snapped out of it now days I do play but in moderation if I win $300 I withdraw and lock my account I only make 600$ a week working 9-5 but you Kno what I have never been happier. I have the love of my life supporting me and doing the right thing in life feels good.

    Anyway that’s just a brief insight into my past but who wants to live in the past anyway the future is now so much more brighter.

    in reply to: Slave to the Swarm #64241
    whoswho WANTED $118

    Never deposit solely to chase the swarm, use winnings from other games to invest into it kind of like freerolling the hive. Remember it may not pop today tomoro or even the next but eventually it will. Think of it as a long term investment but only invest funds gathered from other slots.

    Goodluck and please let us know when it does pop and what you get out of it. People seem to never follow up on how the results ended up I find it annoying

    in reply to: Slot request for el bandito #64102
    whoswho WANTED $118

    Lol not rad wild ride, Santa’s wild ride

    in reply to: Slot request for el bandito #64101
    whoswho WANTED $118

    Sweet harvest, lions pride or a rad wild ride the purple feature, those are my requests be nice to see others playing em.

    in reply to: Gambling Addiction My Story Part 2 #64064
    whoswho WANTED $118

    Wow what a read. Glad your back on  track. Even more glad that there isn’t going to be a part 3 when you explain how you prostituted yourself to pay your son back ?

    in reply to: @BTG #63640
    whoswho WANTED $118

    Wowza OP has some serious issues with outbursts.

    in reply to: Asking for a like please. #63639
    whoswho WANTED $118

    How does the $ value work does it go by replies and posts?

    i def don’t think it’s by popularity as mr B has 300odd

    in reply to: Question for The Bandit #63638
    whoswho WANTED $118

    He mentioned it in his vid one time I beleive it movavi the updated version as he was talking about it being a pain at one stage

    in reply to: No Call Out Threads, It’s not Rocket Science. #63595
    whoswho WANTED $118

    Bandit it’s time. Unleash the kracken

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 246 total)