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- Town Status : Outlaw
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They attempt to influence, but how sure are you that it works? I can honestly say (like I’ve said before on here) that I’ve never been influenced by a streamer, or from seeing someone’s big win. It’s more of a spur of the moment thing. If people want to gamble, they will. I was happy to sign up with affiliate links, providing I liked the person. I’d would have preferred my losses went to someone I was getting entertainment from than it go to a casino. You know it’s going towards their family or more entertainment.
Each to their own, but that’s just my thoughts 🙂
1Nope. I enjoy meat way too much. My mother in law is vegetarian, and I honestly dont know how she does it. I cant go a day without a sausage, steak or chicken haha.
I tried quorn when I was pregnant with Mia and I cant ????
He moved house and put the money he would have usually streamed with towards that. It just happened that he came back just before the virus started to get as bad as it did. Paul is a good person from what I’ve experienced, and doesn’t deserve a bad name.
People are going to gamble if they want to. The only difference is that they will be at home in their comfies rather than in a bookies. I don’t think many are easily influenced by a streamer.
I’ve been playing Disney game for the last 2 nights. I’m 14% complete and its driving me fucking insane ?
On another note, seedy why am I not getting your mixer notifications?
I’ve taken up play doh, the Disney game on the xbox, spyro, and attempting to bake with my little one. All of them have gone terrible so far ?
Hope you’re all staying safe wherever possible.m x
I enjoy watching streams because it’s nice to watch people win, though granted, it’s rare they hit big. It’s also nice (for viewers) to see people rip and show the reality of gambling.
There are only a few streamers left that I watch, because of good content. Infact I can count them on 1 hand, and seedys none gambling stream is included in that 5 haha.
Dont want to sit and play on a demo mode winning fake money when you can watch genuine streamers win real money. ?
That casino is now on gamstop green,? finally.
Theres no way around gamstop, and even if there was, we wouldnt say. Theres way too many of us on gamstop to risk others falling off the wagon. There is a reason you’re on gamstop, just remember that 🙂