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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $574
- Topics Started : 56
- Replies Created : 1897
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When you visit Morrisons and realise they have just had a delivery of shit roll.
I’ve just been to morrisons and can confirm there still isnt any shit roll. Or chocolate, or cereal, or chips, or fresh veg, or rice and pasta, or soap??? Waitrose was the same, I went there first but they closed at 9 so had to go to morrisons ??
I would upload the next picture, but I’ve still not worked out how to do it ? I’ve not long since discovered gifs thanks to seedy hahaha
I went to sainsbury’s the other day and the woman at the till told me someone bought 52 packs of loo roll.. corona virus doesn’t give you shits so I’m confused ??
He’s a good streamer our Phil. Will be even better when he gets his mic sorted and a cam 🙂 he provides good content and theres some nice people in his chat. ??
lucky so and so! Congrats 🙂 I’ve been doing things for my mum and dad all day but my daughters off school with a bug so had to drag her with me, unhappy as she was. Now back home until 7pm when I’ve got to drop it all off to them. Hope you’re all having a good day 🙂
Don’t do that, I feel bad now ?
I just hate wild swarm and hate the whole set up of it. I hate to see people lose more on this one, than I do on any other. ??
Nice one! Don’t give it all back to the casino, especially if you felt like you were going to tilt. Hope you’re doing okay.
Thanks WB!
Its already been withdrawn I took £250 and left £60 in play. I got lucky with the left overs landed another bonus on Rick and Morty which paid well this time on 40p went for £100 (10 spins on vindicators) and managed to snag a bonus on legacy of dead and legacy of Egypt both paying 100x also did Dragon horn on 50p and was 1 away from unlocking everything but the last horn didn’t come but it went for £100 and a few others can’t remember them all I’ve had a good long session today and the itch has been well and truly scratched.. £520 in total coming back from a £30 deposit, happy days!
I’m good thanks WB, I’ve swapped one addition for another as I’m playing World of Warcraft and Hearthstone instead of gambling – other than this one flutter.
How you been?
I’ve heard a lot of people are playing on those games. Seedy likes one of them I think? Yeah I’m doing well at the minute thanks, not to jinx it??
Glad to hear you’re okay and keeping it all under control 🙂
How many threads have we had on this shitty game? Learn your bloody lesson and listen to the forum and other people that post about that game on here ???
If you got a profit, run and dont go back. Go play donuts.. xbob will be pleased ??
Nice one! Don’t give it all back to the casino, especially if you felt like you were going to tilt. Hope you’re doing okay. 🙂