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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $574
  • Topics Started : 56
  • Replies Created : 1897

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Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 1,899 total)
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  • in reply to: One Month today #91934
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Congrats on 2 months gamble free! 🙂

    in reply to: Calling for Mod #91908
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Just messaged him for you. He will be along soon ?

    in reply to: Hey you guys #91803
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I made the day better and went shopping after. No clothes, but things that made me feel better like a holiday ?. I’ll regret it when the credit card bill comes through ??

    in reply to: Hey you guys #91794
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’m a lucky girl today. I get to drive 10+ miles to my parents to get gas bottles and drop my daughter off, then go another 15+ miles to 2 different gun shops to get pellets and get the gas bottles filled, then I get to drop them back off again so another 15+ miles to theirs, and 10+ back home. Then I get to come back to my swine of a partner (who is currently getting silent treatment) working in the garage, while I tidy the house. Woop fucking woop ?.

    Have a great day?

    in reply to: Wild Swarm Warning #91631
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Can I see your tally book? I’m intrigued how many pages it took up ?

    in reply to: Casumo Source of Wealth help #91591
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Probably a good thing. If people prove they have more disposable money than the £2k, then fair enough. For the people that don’t usually have £2k and over to dispose but have won big in a slot, stick to their limits and don’t give your winnings back to them.

    CasumoAndy is on here, though I haven’t seen him around for a while.

    in reply to: Going to a casino next weekend what #91590
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I havent been to a casino in years, but I used to play Cleopatra quite a bit, and one with aliens.. cant remember the name but I remember it was one of those random jackpot games. The bonus you had to shoot comets and 3 X comets meant game over. The rest had amounts of cash in them. My memory isnt great at remembering these things, but they are the 2 main ones I remember playing.

    in reply to: Monopoly Live Craziness #91528
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Cant stand that game, but well done to the second fella. He must have been ecstatic with a win like that.

    in reply to: Going to a casino next weekend what #91527
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I haven’t been to a casino in years, but I love the slots there, so I would give them a try. I’m not one for live casino games so I can’t really advise you on that one. Make sure you stick to your limits, and try and walk away with a profit rather than be broke Haha. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

    in reply to: Old and new #91526
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Ass – starburst. They say it’s for new players to get a feel of slot, giving them 20 free spins to try it first. It’s a shit game and nothing like the slots we have now. 80% of slots have a bonus. All starburst does is have 3 wilds that can hit on a rare occasion. Graphics are shit, sounds are shit and boring.

    Best slot is still bonanza. Even though I don’t play real money, I love to go on the freeplay versions. It’s the original megaways slot and as much as the music does my head in, i love it. Everytime you get a bonus, you’re wondering if it’s going to be one of the 50x bonuses, or if it’s going to be one of the huge wins you see on YouTube.

    in reply to: Spare time #91525
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    He was playing demo mode.. hence the playing £10 demo spins so he wouldn’t tilt if he did it on usual stakes, and won a massive amount. The rtp will be a lot lower and the terms and conditions will be designed to fuck you over. Theres a thread on here somewhere, where the op signed up to a casino and didnt take a bonus. They ended up making a withdrawal of a large amount but they capped it to 5x their deposit because they hadn’t deposited over £200 in the time they had an account there. I think they won a couple of grand but they capped it at £300 something along those lines. Better not to go near them. They also give you 400% but you have to use the ful bonus on the first game you played the bonus cash with. Rogue casinos are disgusting and they should all be closed down.

    in reply to: Twitch Users #91329
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Eightblack wrote:

    The bell was clicked man it had its end on I reckon lol it let me know the Sunday before

    I’ll message you before every stream to make sure you’re there ?

    in reply to: Twitch Users #91292
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I was smiler2811, but changed it back to the closest I could get to my original name. I’m now winningbird92 on twitch 🙂

    in reply to: wolf legend tel #91251
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Of course you can make your own thread 🙂 it will probably go for moderation first as you’re a newbie, but contribution is always welcome 🙂

    in reply to: Dave’s Carvery #91211
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I was right.. it’s a sunday dinner hhahah

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 1,899 total)