I would be the same to honest. I dont gamble now, but when I did, i would always prefer a cut to go to someone and their family rather than the whole lot to a casino. What they did with that money was their choice. Put it down your neck, put it in the casino, I dont mind. I earned it, and I chose where to spend it. ?
Number 1 on my spotify playlist.. kenny Rodgers – the gambler.. other half sings it to me all the time ?
Too many c wordsssssss
You love it
I’m running myself a bath. Cant cope with it ?? negative energy giving me right indigestion ??
No need for a poll benq.. if they dont want to be here, they should bugger off ?
It hurts so bad ? it ruined annie lennox as well. Not chuffin having it ?
His balls are no where near my mouth, lovely. Can guarantee if you would have signed up with Nick’s links and he would have got all this ban shit and fucked off for a few weeks, you would be saying the same. Get over your self and suck it up, or if you dont like it go and play at another casino. It’s not like he advertises a lot of them is it?!
I hate that c word
You knew the fully well what you were doing when you signed up with his links.. did you think he would continuously post content forever?
I’m not sure on how many banks this happens with, but I was aware of 1 bank doing it.. my own. As long as people stick to their limits, they should be okay. I’m wondering if the person who found this out is with the same bank as I am. If so, I’ll be tempted to contact them to let them know.
I used to love alice coopers version.. but growing up when I did with all this niche shit and remixes, it ruined it. I cant listen to the song without wanting to spoon my eyes out these days 🙁
Nope, cant confirm that one. What I can confirm is a veryyyyy large spaceship looking thing. Maybe hes been taken by aliens.. maybe hes just on a mission to find garga?
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