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I heard it can steal your hearts if you build on multiscreen, but didn’t know how true it was. Maybe its just a bug rather than something btg has done. You’d think they would do it for other btg grinding games if this was the case.
That fruity was one of the best, along with cops and robbers and crazy fruits when I was growing up ? none of this deal or no deal crap then. I sound about 50 ??
Is tupenny nudger and crazy fruits £5 jp there?! I’ll be straight there if so ?
Ahh, maybe you could Skype him? I bet it would make his day seeing you on there 🙂
It’s so hard in times like these, but its important you know you’ve got people to talk to about it. Do you have people around you to support you? We are always here if you need a stranger 🙂
Your dad is really lucky to have such a supportive son (or daughter? sorry if I’m wrong). He sounds like a lovely, unique man. A personality like that is always worth treasuring.
They can think what they want, i’m past caring. It’s people like that I feel sorry for because they’ve obviously got nothing better to do than set up 10 accounts to troll someone ?♀️
I’m so sorry to hear this 🙁 spend every moment you can with him, and make memories to last a life time. How are you holding up? I hope you’re doing okay considering.
I’m thinking of you both x
Wonder how many people would be so brave and so much of cunts if they posted in there own name take a chill pill Stevie they ain’t worth the steam off a normal persons vindaloo induced shit fountain
?? love it
Sounds like a great job 🙂 I dont think I could give them back at the end of the day though ?
1You dont understand how much this confuses me. I’ll not get into it ?
Think they still have a few in blackpool WB
might be 10p a go now though. My favourite is always the races where you roll the balls up into holes to make your camel move.
I’m not going all the way to blackpool for that privilege seedy. That’s why I suggested someone streamed it hahah
Yesssss those are the ones ? you should have recorded it hahah. I miss these!
I take it the big affiliates are streamers like casino daddy, or are they the sites with a million links on?