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  • in reply to: Casino asking for ID which I don’t have #87643
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    £34.00 (if you pay online) or £43.00 (if you apply by post) for a provisional license. A lot cheaper than a passport 🙂

    in reply to: Casino asking for ID which I don’t have #87603
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Get a provisional. They’re fairly cheap, well cheaper than a passport, and its classed as official ID.

    in reply to: Do monkeys run this site? #87601
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    No need for that, Kong.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87577
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’ve always been from sheffield, but my parents bought a caravan down there that we ended up living in for most of the year for a good 15 years. Neither my brother or sister were affected by it, well.. my brother wasn’t. I haven’t seen/spoken to my sister for 5 years, so it could have changed for her. I also have 2 cousins in skegness, both who were in the arcades 24/7 until being 18/19, and they don’t even have a scratch card these days.

    If we go on holiday in the UK, I still take my daughter into arcades. Not having her miss out just because pretty bright lights draw me in ?

    in reply to: 20000 Website Subscribers! #87560
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    It will be that giveaway 😉 ?

    in reply to: Roshtein Review #87539
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Never heard that one ? it would be more.. cover yer eyes or shut yer eyes. I’m so confused ?

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87537
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Arlonewts wrote:

    Winningbird wrote:

    Not getting into it with rosh, he was just an example.

    Why won’t you get into it with rosh. Just a. Quick opinion of him?

    Because as soon as you get into it, arguments and speculation start to happen. I personally find him funny, but I’ve got a very strange sense of humour. Theres a thread about rosh already if you want to go there ?

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87530
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Not getting into it with rosh, he was just an example.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87521
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Think what you want to think, I’m not going to change that. I rarely watch online streamers (apart from our seedy) because I cant stand a 5/6 hour stream. I like to forward things.. especially when bandit likes to leave a BTG win running until the end instead of skipping it ? I like to see bonuses, not the grind it takes to get there, though I am interested in how long it took to get. Bandit tells us that each time, or we can look at the time stamp.

    Be honest, do you think someone like rosh who gets 11k viewers some streams, earns more from twitch and youtube, or more from sign ups to n1 and slotty vegas (the 2 he plays at)?  He has a reputation, and in my opinion, not many of those 11k/stream will use his links to sign up. He will get a damn lot more from twitch and youtube.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87514
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    A change in personality because some of his viewers are ungrateful, selfish and poisonous people. Look at the reelking giveaway he has done. It doesn’t surprise me that his attitude has changed. He also has other commitments to look after now. He said himself he travels the country for slots million. I dont know about you but I hateeeeee travelling unless I’m driving.. and from what I remember, bandit doesnt drive. It must be boring as shit going all that way for a small meeting to have to go all the way back again. I’m not defending his mood, I’m saying there will be reasons behind it.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87503
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’m not naive at all. You go on youtube incognito without signing in, go to nick or chips gaming channel and tell me if you end up at the gambling channel.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87499
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I get what you mean, I’m not saying I dont. What I’m saying is that most people are not stupid enough to believe they can get a win like what they see from a big win video. I see it as people like to see big wins, hence going to youtube to look. The more viewers the video has, the more money from youtube they get. Adverts can add to their money from YouTube AS WELL AS affiliation links. If you were a streamer, would you not want to brag about a big win you’ve had? Would you not want a permanent record of it saved to youtube? Bandit has his lil devil one on youtube to remember. The views he will have got on that will be insane. Big win videos are more to get money from YouTube than to get gamblers attentions so they can gamble. I dont see the point in the odd 200x ‘big win’ videos, but it gets the streamer more money.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87496
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    If they have that addiction in their body, something will trigger it at some point and you can’t be sure what. I dont blame my mum and dad for my addiction just because they brought me up in a seaside town full of arcades for a 14 years. The arcades were just a small part of it. People signing up with affiliation links know what it means, and if they dont after all this shit, they shouldn’t even be online. Each youtube video you go on, whether it be a vlogger, kids channel, gambler, fisherman, gamer will all have an affiliate link for something or another. Cant blame them for people having an addiction to shopping or addiction to spending can you.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #87491
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Arlonewts wrote:

    Winningbird wrote:

    I wasnt going to comment today, but since I’ve had my cake bars (another addiction might I add), im doing it.

    Arlonewts- you clearly don’t have an addiction and never have, so I don’t expect you to know how it feels or how it affects people. I just want you to know that theres not a single big win video/promotion that has made me want a gamble. I want a gamble because I want it and I’m stubborn. It could be 2/3am and it wouldn’t have phased me. Please dont put it down to big wins, when yeah, it might influence someone to want to sign up to a casino and gamble, but the sensible person would never spend more than they could afford. An addicts mind works a lot different than you think.

    Sorry but that’s you personally and can only speak for yourself.

    Yes, I know I can only speak for myself, but other addicts I have spoken to agree with me. A video doesnt make you want to gamble, if you get that urge, then you get it and theres nothing you can do to fight it apart from gamstop. If you read all threads on the forum, you’ll see that people with addictions signed upto gamstop, and managed to find sites that gamstop didnt cover. They knew how dodgey the sites were and knew they probably wernt going to pay out, in the event that they won.

    Not all addictions are the same, but they work the same way. You want that rush, that release of dopamine. That feeling it gives you, and how it can make you forget things you dont want to think about while you’re doing your addiction. Consequences at that point don’t matter because your head is buried too far into your addiction to realise what you’re doing until you finish. It’s only when you’ve spent every penny you have, on a comedown from the drug, have a massive hangover for the 2 seconds before you get out of bed to have another drink that you get those feelings of regret and hatred for yourself.

    This is the only way I can think of explaining it.

    in reply to: Great start to the year #87480
    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Congrats 🙂 that’s a lovely run of luck, but remember how rare that is. Dont chase for another in future 🙂

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