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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $734
- Topics Started : 29
- Replies Created : 2550
Forum Replies Created
I remember the good old days where the backinamo name at the top said ? (it also says happy new year still, when does it become less acceptable and more awkward to say that to people?!)
Happy First Birthday! It’s been a hell of a ride with youtube and vimeo and twitch and back to youtube but 13k members and JB banned make it all the better 🙂
1Just wondering when the next video is buddy need my fix
He’s been at ICE london hasn’t he? I’m sure @seedy or the big man himself @thebandit will be about soon enough 🙂
Either that or @thebandit has discovered 85″ TV + Netflix + Fibre internet are a great combination
9th February 2019 at 12:23 pm in reply to: so the goonies red key is real and the bandit not full of shit lol #47331I’ve had it spin in a losing spin, flash red (rather than green) and swipe across dropping in a 90x ish win. I think it was £180 from a £2 stake but i’m not 100% sure
1perhaps eveyone caught that horse flu?
had the man flu 4 about a week n a half about 3 week ago came out of nowhere bang. i wiz dying . and on hearing this news . Im sure i had a 50p trixie on mcain and hughs…..treble dunt haha
Just make sure you don’t get mixed up with the wife and mistress when sending text messages. We now refer to such matters as “Andy Williams” moments.
? Don’t take the Mrs and the mistress to the same shop on the same day as well!
I’m currently running on battery empty because Mrs xbob is being selfish and throwing up from 3am till 7pm ? so much that she’s pulled a muscle around the rib area. Of course I spend the rest of the time trying to make her laugh ??
1Can I petition for a monthly extended slot session video where we see the spins and have a Q and A of submitted question’s, shout outs for people etc …. There was a vid like that a year or so ago and it was fun ??
That and the blame JB button
And .com to be added to the site banner again ?
And a single slot series on Donuts
I don’t want much ??
Love to hate this prick. Every day i wake up to watch Good morning Britain before im off to work. And every morning I wanna punch the shit outa my telly box.
This guy seriously cant believe his own views lol.
I mean the words that come out of his retarded mouth have to be staged right?
What a total toss pot!
He’s one of those people that purposely selects the unpopular argument even if he doesn’t really believe it and then talks over people until they agree to that opinion.
GMB annoys me because whenever something gun related happens in America they get the same gun guy on for PM to shout at and the guy is an idiot ?
Since PM joined though the ratings improved dramatically so he must bring something to the table that viewers want to see!
Why has the Blame JB button not yet been implemented? That’s how terrible my luck is!
I want Seedy to give me a verified retard tick too!
Verified yes ☑️ not retard though, just verified annoyance ?
If you play at Pokerstars mate. Then they are in no way classed as Bad Beats…..its rigged and fraudulent as fuck there.
I will never play there again…apart from home games cos they cant rig them…..”i think”
Hope ya luck changes pal.
I hear poker stars are sorting it so you lose JB, something about threats? ??