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Also, I’m being a bit annoying with this one but before the site was changed for Christmas wasn’t the header rather than just backinamo? Or am I suffering from a case of the Mandela effect?
It’s good to see you hitting some luck, we’ve seen lots of videos over the life of the channel where you’ve ended on a massive loss.
If you could pass me some of that rigged RTP on Reel King though ??
Stop smokeing well at least give it a shot , give up monster drinks kinda hard with the hours i work and what i do , stop gambling as much
I’d start with one, cutting them all at the same time sounds completely miserable! Smashing the tobacco into touch was the best thing I ever did, feel so much better for it 😀
Good luck with any that you try 🙂
2I withdrew almost all of the balance from the last pic, i left £234 in i think…..
[ src=”/wp-content/uploads/hm_bbpui/33525/ebwndivto3yma5ha0zvigdbw96u30m34.png” alt=””]
I honestly can’t get enough of this game – I will carry on, on similar stakes as this and likely lose that balance, which i will of course report but it is so much fun for me. I am going to ICE London in February, i am going to find someone from Novomatic and ask them if they can maybe shed some light on the way the gamble actually works on these games, like where it gets it’s juice from, how it’s RTP works etc I doubt i will get the answers but i am absolutely certain that behind the scenes, my two main casinos simply have to be asking questions of Novomatic along the lines of “he’s done it again, wtf?”
Look at it! I’ll hit that this year, it’s my mission 🙂 It would be nice if Novo could shed some light on the “feel” that the game gives sometimes, especially the different feeling at different stake levels.
The little Casumo mascot thing is crying into it’s drink tonight ?
Beautiful win! Congrats 😀 Great start to the New Year!
Maybe a dedicated adventure page? That could be used to document games like RK and if something like swarm pops up again? That would be good 🙂
I just played again. I’m sat here now dubious as to whether to post about it lol that’s really not how i wanted to feel ?
Is it still lagging at home? You mentioned it was taking ages to tell you if it’s a win or not.. that would be even more thrilling!
1131.50 and some air
Hahaha i swear i saw the 50p too
Might just be right there! £278.50 then, final answer ??
@andywilliams1187 I find the best thing to do is go on Twitter and troll Piers Morgan for a bit ?
Delta – where abouts are you based?
Somewhere with a library that’s open at 5.45am and also open on New Year’s Day bank holiday at nearly 8pm
I get that mate I do, but if he’s anywhere near where I am working over the next few days I’m happy to meet up and buy the guy a coffee.
Great shout, sometimes a coffee and a chat does the world of good ?
Delta – where abouts are you based?
Somewhere with a library that’s open at 5.45am and also open on New Year’s Day bank holiday at nearly 8pm
Ahhh McDonald’s, that free WiFi is great… The big tasty is still on as well ???????
My wife’s brother got kicked out by his Mrs. And he was living in his car . His boss found out and brought his own personal caravan on to the site and let him stay in it till he got a flat . So there are some bosses that are very understanding .
Talking about these things is always the best way, and work is a good place to talk. It’s in their best interests to have workers who are well rested and ready for working days so usually in the best position to help if they can ?
Delta – where abouts are you based?
Somewhere with a library that’s open at 5.45am and also open on New Year’s Day bank holiday at nearly 8pm ?